ITS Campus, ITS News – Following the success of the first phase of the Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) on July 5-8, 2020, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), as one of the UTBK location centers, is in preparation to carry out the second phase on July 20-25, 2020. Just like the first phase, ITS continues to provide free rapid tests for UTBK second phase participants who are registered with Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah (KIP-K).
As was said by the Vice-Rector I of the ITS Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Adi Supriyanto, M.T., rapid tests for the participants will be carried out on July 20-24, 2020, throughout 07.30-12.00 at the ITS Plaza dr Angka building. “We provide this service for participants who will take part in the second phase of UTBK according to the specified conditions,” he revealed.
Adi continued that in the preparation of the second phase of UTBK, ITS also prepared rapid tests for the UTBK committee and supervisors. The implementation of the rapid tests was carried out from July 17-22, 2020, in the same building. “Approximately 40 committee members and supervisors took the rapid test in preparation for the second phase of UTBK, and we recommend for them to take the test latest on 19 July, before they start assisting,” he said.
This ITS Electrical Engineering Professor elaborated that there were some additional preparations due to the evaluation of the first phase of the UTBK yesterday. Those preparations are the addition and management of medical waste, repairment of stickers for participants who passed the checkpoint, and the provision of gloves and masks for participants who did not bring. “This is actually very similar to the first phase yesterday, but we do this in order to provide the best facility for the participants,” he emphasized.
In addition to that, Adi continued that for the second phase of UTBK, ITS also sterilize the rooms for tests. This is executed almost every day before the phase starts on Monday (7/20), tomorrow. “We do the sterilization process three times each day: morning, afternoon, and evening,” he clarified.
According to Adi, there is a total of 8,750 participants for the second phase of UTBK conducted by ITS. The number is an abundance of participants from Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa). “Actually, all participants from ITS should already be finished in stage one, so participants of this second phase are the abundance of participants from Unesa,” he identified.
Adi explained that there is also an additional of 116 participants from the first phase of UTBK from ITS. This is due to the participants’ request for a relocation because of several reasons, including reactive rapid test results, lack of transportation, and those who were wary on going to Surabaya, which was identified as a black zone. “From a total of 116 participants, 95 participants were declared reactive, whereas 66 of them were reactive participants from Surabaya, they were then delegated to the second phase,” he stated.
It is to be taken note of, that the participants who were reactive at the first phase of UTBK were immediately handed over to the central committee and the Covid-19 Task Force of the Surabaya City Government. Adi also elaborated that if there are going to be participants of the second phase who are reactive in their rapid test results, then ITS will hand it to the central committee for participants to be included in the third phase of UTBK on July 28-29, 2020.
For the second phase implementation of UTBK at ITS, Adi hopes that participants can prepare whatever is needed better so that no requirements are forgotten. “In order to not be so rushed like the participants of the first phase and have a lot of preparation time, it is expected that participants are more orderly and there is nothing left behind, such as the results of rapid tests and the needed health protocols,” Adi said.
In terms of the implementation, Adi hopes that there are no longer long queues of participants and the many participants’ escorts waiting on the ITS campus. Adi hopes these things can be overcome well. As for the implementation in the classroom, he felt the implementation of the tests during the first phase yesterday was quite neat and orderly.
Adi also advised UTBK participants to not be stressed, to take the test with ease, and to prepare the best. “If (now) the body feels unwell, just rest first, so that later you will be in good health taking the UTBK. So that we, as the executors of UTBK, can provide the best facilities for participants who wish to continue their education at PTN, thus not losing any rights and missing any opportunities,” he concluded. (bob/ory/ITS Public Relations)
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