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July 24, 2020 10:07

Hosiro-Usiro, Robot by ITS Students To Handle Covid-19

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Tim Robot Hosiro-Usiro

The prototype of Hosiro-Usiro Robot made ITS student

ITS Campus – ITS News– Covid-19 pandemic does not discourage students from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to continue innovating. Competing in the LAI2-COVID 19, Tim Kuybot, consisting of three students of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, and the Department of Physical Engineering, won first place from 45 participants from all over Indonesia in the subtheme of the Robot innovation application.

Octavian Purwo Bramastyo, Sulaiman Ali, and Putri Norma Aprilia who initiated the idea of a robot named Hosiro-Usiro. The innovations of this robot start from their desire to contribute to help handle this Covid-19 pandemic. “We want to create products that are beneficial to others and medical personnel through our hobby in the world of robotics,” said Oktaviansyah Purwo Bramastyo as the team leader.

Tim Robot Hosiro-Usiro

The head of the ITS Kuybot team, Octaviansyah Purwo Bramastyo, showed the prototype of the Hosiro-Usiro robot to help handle the Covid-19 pandemic.

The student, who is familiarly called Vian, reveals that the design of the Hosiro-Usiro robot departed from the team’s unrest for the prevention of the Covid-19 transmission that is much needed, considering that the virus can transmit between people easily. “Moreover, medical personnel as the leading guard of handling Covid-19 is potentially great to be infected,” he said.

Also, according to Vian, the patients affected by the Covid-19 who are in isolation both in the hospital and at home can feel social pressure and physical discomfort. Based on both of these reasons, he and his team designed innovations that could reduce direct interaction between Covid-19 patients and medical personnel. “As well as this innovation can provide entertainment facilities for patients who are in quarantine,” he said.

Tim Robot Hosiro-Usiro

Kuybot team member Sulaiman Ali with Hosiro-Usiro prototype

The Hosiro-Usiro robot is an innovation of the medical service robot for the handling of Covid-19 patients, both hospitalized and quarantine venues such as the athletes’ guesthouse in Jakarta and many more. He explained that the Hosiro (Hospital System Robot) is a robotic system devoted to the handling of Covid-19 in the hospital. “This Hosiro has a function of service in terms of delivery, able to see the physical condition of the patient in the form of body temperature and heart rate, and can be used by the patient to interact,” he explained.

He continued, Usiro (Universal System Robot) is a robot that has a service function for self-quarantine patients. Usiro can interact with other people, buying or taking food from online drivers, and related interactions. Usiro is also equipped with a treadmill to walk. Through the control of robots using this treadmill, patients who are in isolation can feel the virtual social. “So the effect can reduce the stress burden of patients at quarantine time,” he added.

Tim Robot Hosiro-Usiro

Team Kuybot member, Putri Norma Aprilia with Hosiro-Usiro prototype

Vian said this robot has an advantage over the other 2 in 1 robot. This means that the robot has two service functions in one robot innovation product. She continued, the robot can handle quarantine patients in hospitals and quarantines in quarantine building (other than RS). Hosiro-Usiro robots can also do self-open and have an automatic door opening system.

More about the advantages of the Hosiro-Usiro robot, Vian explained that the robot was designed as needed, having a large storage box to deliver food, medicine, and clothing. The Robot can also be used to communicate between patient and medical personnel, measuring the patient’s temperature, detecting the patient’s heart rate, as well as being recreational media for patients by using a treadmill.

Tim Robot Hosiro-Usiro

The Hosiro-Usiro Robot team from ITS in the final presentation at LAI2 Covid-19

The process of making Hosiro-Usiro robots started in April 2020 with guidance from the lecturer of the Department of Electrical Engineering ITS, M Hilman Fatoni ST MT. Kuybot team designed a Hosiro-Usiro robot using some of its constituent materials such as the Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) which serves to move the robot so that the robot can carry heavier loads.

While the other constituent materials consist of a thermal camera with the function to check the temperature of the patient, the webcam for the advice of communication between patients and medical personnel as well as Omni Camera aims to robot navigation tools to see the area around the robot at 360 degrees. “For the robot’s body we use aluminum and stainless steel material,” she said.

Tim Robot Hosiro-Usiro

Hosiro-Usiro Prototype made by ITS student

When asked for obstacles, the student who born in 1998 has said that the biggest obstacle experienced by the team is distance. Because three students are from different regions, which is in Lumajang, Yogyakarta, and Sidoarjo. “So when the discussion and animation video making sometimes difficult, especially if there is a network constraint,” she added.

In the end, students of the Department of Industrial Technology And System Engineering hoped that the Hosiro-Usiro robot innovation can help to handle the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. “I also look forward to this idea can be further enhanced to give benefits for the handling of the pandemic in Indonesia,” she concluded.(bob/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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