ITS News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025
July 25, 2020 17:07

Tips for Cooking Healthy Food During Pandemic

Oleh : itsmis | | Source : ITS Online

The webinar entitled Cooking Healthy, Local and Organic, which was held on Saturday (7/18) via zoom to encourage cooking healthy during pandemic

ITS Campus, ITS NewsIn the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is important for the community to maintain health through the consumption of healthy food. In response to this, the Smart Eco Campus Development Unit of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) shared tips on cooking healthy food to increase stamina and body immunity.

Susi Agustina Wilujeng, S.T., M.T., Head of the ITS Smart Eco Campus Development Unit, collaborated with Ummi Rochma, a healthy and local food activist, as the speaker in the unit’s webinar entitled Cooking Healthy, Local and Organic. “The webinar was attended by 230 participants who were very enthusiastic, as shown from their numerous important and specific questions,” she recalled.

According to this woman familiarly called Susi, cooking healthy food requires the appropriate healthy cooking principles as well. Clean tools and ingredients together with the correct cooking methods serve as the main factors. “Instant food ingredients must be avoided. Especially in this condition, the consumption of protein and carbohydrates is highly recommended,” she emphasized, remembering the previous webinar on 18 July.

During the cooking session, continued Susi, participants were given five recipes for cooking healthy food. The recipes provided were the following dishes: Telang Bunga Rice, Shredded Chicken, Urap-urap, Gluten-Free Fried Tempe, and Sambal Matah Kecombrang. “The five dishes are definitely made with natural ingredients and are safe for consumption,” she added when contacted by the ITS Online Team via text message.

The cooking session of the webinar

This bespectacled woman also revealed several cooking mistakes done by community members that often occur. An example is when cooking vegetables. It is indeed not just a process of boiling, vegetable maturity also needs to be considered in order to not eliminate the vitamin content in it. “Oil must also be used wisely because it contains negative cholesterol that is undoubtedly harmful to the body,” she stressed.

At the end of the discussion with the ITS Online Team, Susi advised the community to focus on the good, safe, and healthy food for consumption in the midst of the current pandemic. This change can be initiated by practice reading the composition of food purchased. “We must start in learning and caring more about the nutritional content, calories, vitamins, and minerals that the body needs to increase immunity,” she reminded.

In addition, she continued, striving to cook alone will minimize the adverse effects that can occur. “COVID-19 is a virus that is easily spread through droplets, thus there is no guarantee that food produced and bought outside is clean,” elaborated Susi.

In the near future, the ITS Smart Eco Campus Development Unit team will their third webinar with the theme of Vegetable Gardening at Home to Improve Food Security. Susi hopes that the community, especially the ITS academic community, will have an understanding of healthy living, which starts with healthy food intake. “This is one of the many efforts that can be implemented to maintain the sustainability of the earth,” she concluded. (chi/hen/ory/ITS Public Relations)

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