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August 05, 2020 00:08

ITS Students Create A Covid-19 Patient Detection Tool

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

Akbar Suwandana head of GATA team showing the initial display of Ramones prototype

ITS Campus, ITS News – The presence of a number of positive Covid-19 patients who flew away or avoid special isolation makes the community feel restating. To reduce that, some of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) students created a monitoring tool to detect Covid-19 patients who were fleeing away and wandering in the community.

They are Akbar Suwandana, Alvin Cahya Adi Perdana, Tahta Anugrah Wibowo, dan Gita Marcella Khoirun Nissa. The four are students of the class of 2017 from the Department of Instrumentation Engineering (Akbar and Alvin) and a class of 2018 (Tahta dan Gita). Incorporated into the GATA team, they managed to create a monitoring tool to detect Covid-19 patients.

Akbar Suwandana as the chairman of the team said that a tool named Ramones was assessed to be able to detect people in supervision (ODP), patients in supervision (PDP), people with no symptoms (OTG), and positive Covid-19 patients. Based on this, Ramones are planned to be placed in public places such as malls, educational facilities, the entrance of the village, and other public places. “Because here (places, red) is the place for the most common transmission,” he said.


Alvin Cahya Adi Perdana shows the monitoring tool of a team-made Covid-19 patient

Students who often called Dana explained that visitors who want to enter will stand at the point of measurement. After that, the sensor of the tool will work immediately to measuring altitude, detecting the face, and measuring the visitor’s body temperature. “Input from all these sensors will be inserted into the database that has been linked to the National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB) Covid-19 database, ” he explained.

Dana continues, the incoming data will be directly matched to the database belonging to BNPB Covid-19. Matched Data makes the tool show a notification on the supervisor’s screen through the monitor. Also, the alarm buzzer on the portal will turn on and the portal can not open, so visitors can not enter. “This will be different when the received data does not match the BNPB database, the portal will automatically open immediately and visitors can enter,” he said.

The student from Malang delivered, by using the sensor system, Ramones at the same time can reduce the risk of officers or portal guards in the exposure by the Covid-19 virus.


Tahta Anugrah Wibowo, one of the members of the GATA team, demonstrated a prototype tool made for the detection of Covid-19 patients

Thanks to the idea, the GATA team successfully achieved the second position in the innovative and inspirational application competition-Covid-19 (LAI2-Covid-19) in subtheme of detector held by ITS Directorate of Student Affairs and has been announced, some time ago.

Dana hopes that Ramones can reduce people’s worries to visit public places. “With the new condition as normal as now, hopefully, this tool can give a sense of safety and comfort for the surrounding community,” said him full of hope. (dil/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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