ITS Campus, ITS News – Enrollment of new students thru Seleksi Kemitraan dan Mandiri (SKM) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has been officially opened since Monday (3/8). Until the second day of registration, Tuesday (4/8), Registrant has received as many as 213 prospective students, where 45 participants have finalized their registration.
Registration thru this SKM will take place until 22 August 2020. Head of Sub Directorate of Admission’s Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEng Sc explained, the purpose of the acceptance of new students through the SKM is nothing but to attract qualified prospective students and increase cooperation and equitable opportunities for prospective students.
In its implementation, the SKM program is divided into two types, namely partnership selection, and independent selection. The partnership selection is intended for prospective students who are the emissary of partner agencies who have a memorandum of understanding (cooperation) with ITS. “While the independent selection, is intended for the general senior high school graduates who are interested,” explained this lecturer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Meanwhile, according to ITS Director of Education, Dr. Siti Machmudah ST MEng, seeing from the student admissions opportunities through the SKM, participants ‘ enthusiasm is very high every year. “Can be seen during these two days, the registrant has reached 213, with the details of 168 register has not finalized and 45 already finalized their registration,” she explained.
The lecturer who often called Machmudah explained the entrance selection mechanism through SKM itself can be followed by applicants from SMA/MA/SMK graduates in 2018, 2019, and 2020. “ITS SKM selection will be based on the score of UTBK in 2020 or ITS Academic Ability Test score, report, self-description, and other achievements,” she explained.
Machmudah added, especially for the participants of the study program of industrial product design, visual communication design and interior design of the Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business, was required to upload portfolios, “the portfolio itself is scheduled on August 21st, where participants will be given the question on that date,” she explained.
Participants must also take the Academic Ability Test (TKA) which is implemented online. This test is used to evaluate the potential and learning ability of prospective students. The TKA-ITS measures verbal, quantitative, logical, and spatial capabilities. “Participants are expected to prepare for the test such as laptops with Windows 10 operating system, webcams, Zoom Meeting accounts, and Internet speeds above 5 Mbps,” she explained.
Machmudah said that the schedule of TKA for SKM was held on 3rd-7th August and 18th-19th August, while for the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) on August 24th. “Furthermore, the selection will be announced on 28th August and prospective students can re-register on 31st August to 3rd September,” explained the lecturer of the Department of Chemical Engineering.
Machmudah hopes that the admission selection of the SKM can run smoothly. She also conveys a message to prospective participants who are interested in registering to continue to monitor the info on ITS website, “It is best to do the registration immediately, do not register near to the deadline for more preparation,” she concluded.(sin/rev/ITS Public Relations)
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