ITS Campus, ITS News – The announcement of the results of the Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN 2020), a joint selection through entrance tests to state universities, was available to be accessed on Friday (14/8), at 15.00. This year, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) received 1,656 new student candidates through this enrolment path.
Director of Education of ITS, Dr. Eng. Siti Machmudah, S.T., M.Eng., explained that the total of successful applicants at ITS had an increase of 5 percent, which was in consideration of underprivileged students as well as those who will not complete the re-registration process. “This is implemented due to what was experienced last year, where up to 5 to 6 percent of students did not re-register,” she mentioned.
Furthermore, Machmudah added that ITS repeated last year’s achievements by maintaining the fourth position with the highest average score for the Computer-Based Writing Examination compared to other state universities in Indonesia. ITS is grateful for this rank because ITS is in a positive trend from year to year. Admittedly, the top three state universities ranked above ITS do have a higher university ranking and do have a fairly strong track record. “ITS aspires to do better every year and be able to enter the top three, but we are still grateful for the current standings,” she clarified.
In addition, Machmudah elaborated that the most registrants of SBMPTN 2020 who were successfully accepted are of the Informatics Engineering Department with 95 people, followed by Electrical Engineering with 93 people, and Mechanical Engineering with 83 prospective new students. The majority of new SBMPTN student candidates were indicated to be from East Java. While the rest came from various other regions of the country.
Machmudah also conveyed, that in 2020, ITS applicants at the SBMPTN 2020 increased compared to the previous year. This is showed by a total of 12,829 people who registered for ITS as first choice and 8,012 as second choice. “The Department of Informatics is still the most favored in SBMPTN 2020, followed by the Systems and Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering,” she identified.
Machmudah hopes greatly for prospective ITS new students to make good use of the opportunity to study at ITS, which not everyone can do. She hopes that the high UTBK average score will improve the quality of ITS students. “A critical character and a strong strive are required to be able to excel in this campus,” expressed this lecturer of the ITS Chemical Engineering Department.
Meanwhile, applicants who were not accepted at ITS via SBMPTN do not need to worry. ITS offers the Seleksi Mandiri dan Kemitraan (SKM), an independent and partnerships selection, Vocational, as well as the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) enrolment paths that they can try to pursue higher education at the ITS campus. (bob/ory/ITS Public Relations)
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