ITS Campus, ITS News – The results of the independent and partnerships selection (Seleksi Mandiri dan Kemitraan) path was officially announced on 15.00 WIB, Friday (28/8). It was also stated in the announcement thatITS accepted a total of 2,560 new students through this SKM path.
The lecturer who is familiarly called Machmudah explained that through this selection, the admission of new students was based on the 2020 Computer-Based Writing Test (UTBK) score or the ITS Academic Ability Test (TKA) score, report card grades, self-description, as well as other achievements. “Especially for those students who wanted to pursue design study programs, they were required to upload a portfolio,” she expounded.
Machmudah continued that prospective students who were declared accepted at ITS through the independent and partnerships path will be mandated to complete their data online by filling in and uploading the required documents by ITS. “This was the same process implemented by prospective students of the SNMPTN and SBMPTN paths,” she clarified.
In addition, Machmudah mentioned that prospective new students from the independent and partnerships path must re-register within the period of August 31 – September 3 2020. The re-registration procedure itself consisted of online registration, verification of parents’ economic data, payment of tuition fees, color blindness tests specifically for study programs that require them, and verification of certificates to print proof of re-registration. “It is scheduled to start on August 30, 2020, and end on September 14, 2020,” she stated.
It is to be noted the three departments with the most enthusiasts through this selection path, namely the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering with 1,551 registrants, the Department of Informatics with 1,435 registrants, and the Department of Business Management with 1,239 registrants. “Out of the three departments, the Informatics Department accepted the the most student candidates with 140 people,” she identified.
In the end, this lecturer of the Department of Chemical Engineering conveyed that the independent and partnerships selection was not the last and final path one can take to study at ITS. “For those who were not accepted, it does not mean that they have missed all the opportunities to enter undergraduate, instead there are still other paths that are offered by ITS, such as the Vocational and IUP (International Class, red) selection path,” she concluded. (bob/ory/ITS Public Relations)
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