ITS Campus, ITS News – As a maritime country, the safety of ships and offshore facilities in Indonesian territorial waters should be guaranteed. Therefore, the Center for Excellence of Maritime Safety and Marine Installation of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) held an ITS Automatic Identification System (AISITS) Training last Saturday (22/8).
AISITS is an innovative product developed by ITS Center for Excellence of Maritime Safety and Marine Installation, which utilizes an automatic identification system (AIS) as data for monitoring vessels. In addition, it is an event further useful in an effort to reduce the risk of accidents between ships or ships with offshore building facilities. “This activity was a technical training which showcased the use of the AISITS application,” stated the head coordinator of this training, Dr. Eng Dhimas Widhi Handani ST MSc.
In cooperation with the Politeknik Pelayaran (Poltekpel) Surabaya, this training focused on providing basic knowledge and training on the application of AISITS, targeted for academics and practitioners in the fields of shipping safety, ports, as well as the oil and gas industry. There were several topics of discussion of basic knowledge, namely Maritime Safety and Risk Analysis, Ship Operation, and Ship Operational Cost Estimation Simulator Design. Meanwhile, the topics on the application consist of Mobile Navigation Track of Ship and AISITS Training, which branched to ship inspection, early warning system, and ship tracking system.
At the exact time as well, the AISITS Research Consortium was launched, as a forum for the development of AIS-based research and innovation products. Several universities who are named as members of the consortium are ITS, Mataram University (Unram), Madura State Polytechnic (Poltera), Banyuwangi Polytechnic (Poliwangi), and Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic (PPNS).
This research collaboration was then followed with grants to install AIS devices in several universities. This shows that this collaboration has a long-term and serious mission to seek maritime safety in Indonesia. “So the assurance of the safety of maritime facilities will increase,” emphasized the Head of ITS Center for Excellence of Maritime Safety and Marine Installation.
From this training, it is hoped that universities as institutions that are concerned with training and innovation, will be able to develop superior products such as AISITS in the future. Meanwhile, government institutions, which in this case serve as regulators, are hoped to be able to help with the operational problems of its maritime facilities. “And in the end will contribute in the improvement of maritime safety in Indonesia,” he concluded. (naj/yok/ory)
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