ITS Campus, ITS News – Despite the pandemic, ITS continues to show its euphoria in welcoming the 60th Dies Natalis series also known as Lustrum XII which officially began, Thursday (10/9) via live streaming of ITS Youtube channel.
Carrying the theme of Technology for Prosperity, this time ITS seeks to echo the spirit of innovating and collaborating technology for the prosperity of Indonesian people. It also means realizing technology for prosperity.
ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng explained, as one of the best technology institutes in Indonesia, ITS should be able to make a contribution that has a big impact on the prosperity of Indonesia.
Although Lustrum XII opening ceremony this time was not held in public in the open field like in previous years, the rector who is familiarly called Ashari today expects all academic civitas to keep the spirit and euphoria of the anniversary of this hero campus. “Of course it’s a different format, it’s expected to still provide an immersive experience for all of us,” he hopes.
Continuing his explanation, Ashari explained that this technological innovation has been implemented in internal and external ITS. Starting from classes that were originally done conventionally, it was integrated into online. In addition, for practicum students have also held several smart laboratories such as Basic Physics laboratory for freshman in 2020. “This will physically change ITS as a whole because it is applied throughout the department,” said the Professor of Electrical Engineering.
Externally, ITS itself has contributed to providing innovation assisted by lecturers, students, educational personnel, and also the surrounding community. Several innovations for the handling of Covid-19 such as faceshield production, hand sanitizer, and also RAISA robots have been spread to various regions in Indonesia. “Faceshield has been produced more than 200 thousand and distributed to hospitals in Indonesia, RAISA has also been used in several hospitals,” explained this S1 Electrical Engineering alumnus.
In line with ITS Rector, Chairman of ITS Alumni Family Association (IKA) Ir Sutopo Kristanto MM revealed that ITS alumni are people who often participate in downstream. This will further give it the power to raise its name in technological innovation. “ITS alumni are the downstream whiz, what we need now is a collaboration that is able to gather great thoughts from these alumni,” he said hopefully.
Lustrum XII ITS’s series of activities will be accompanied by activities that include technology that can be followed by all its academic civitas. Races such as the virtual sportainment and Technovation Festival, as well as Lecture Series. Before finally holding the summit on November 10, 2020. These activities are held with the aim of adding insight, increasing creativity, and innovation from ITS academic civitas.
Without forgetting the current situation in which Indonesia is under various pressures ranging from health to the economy, this series of ITS campus anniversary also adds social activities in the form of ITS Peduli. “This is a social activity so that the existence of ITS benefits the most to the surrounding community,” said the bespectacled lecturer.
In the end, Ashari and Sutopo ordered that with lustrum XII ITS moment can be a means to awake the spirit of heroism that continues to strive to achieve a better life. “In accordance with the wishes of its founders who want us to be active to create a better civilization,” said Ashari.
(ri/Anjani/ITS Public Relation Officer)
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