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September 16, 2020 12:09

Through Spiritual and Nationalism Training, ITS Encourages New Students to Be More Noble and Intellectual

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Pelatihan Spiritual dan Kebangsaan (PSB) untuk mahasiswa baru ITS digelar secara daring

Spiritual and Nationalism Training (PSB) for ITS new students is held online

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has prepared a series of welcoming activities for new students (maba) in 2020. Starting with spiritual and national training activities (PSB) online for two days starting today, Monday (14/9).


The chief executive of PSB activities, Yeyes Mulyadi ST MSc Ph.D. mentioned that in this activity, students are equipped with spiritual insights, nationality, and intellectual intelligence. Although held online, the students’ enthusiasm was great to see the positive support given by the ITS Executive Board, dean, to the ITS Board of Trustees (MWA) at the beginning of the training. “You are the nation’s leader, CEO, entrepreneur, thinker, and public figure in the future,” said Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, Rector of ITS to encourage the participants.


The spirit was again transmitted by the presenters of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the Regional Military Command (Kodam) V Brawijaya, supporting the PSB’s goal to instill a sense of patriotism in the frame of the spirit of struggle. “Hopefully, the material that we provide can be applied to students so as not to fall into radicalism, both right and left,” said Isan Tondonegoro, a presenter from BIN.


In this case, Isan reminds students not to easily receive raw information while active in the organization. “Being active in organization is allowed, but don’t forget to eat,” he jokes.

Ketua Pelaksana PSB ITS tahun 2020, Yeyes Mulyadi ST MSc PhD memberi arahan kegiatan secara virtual

Chief Executive of PSB ITS in 2020, Yeyes Mulyadi ST MSc PhD gives virtual activity direction

He said that students follow the instructions given by lecturers and other educators, and strengthen the relationship with good people such as by following the PSB as it is today. According to him, by doing so can avoid radicalism and absurd things


In the first day session was also highlighted one of the objectives of psb is to instill the value of young intellect that is noble. Regularly presents competent presenters every year, from scholars this year ITS presents KH Marzuqi Mustamar. He said that in Indonesia, Allah has mandated a large number of Islam.

In line with the exposure of previous national insight material, Kyai cautioned against banging between da’wah and state affairs. “If it is illegal to disrupt religion, to disrupt the country is haram. If maintaining religion is mandatory, then it is obligatory to keep the country,” he warned.


Meanwhile, the next presenter is Dr. Muhammad Mashuri MT. Lecturer of the Department of Statistics ITS opened intellectual intelligence material by inviting PSB participants to be grateful for the current condition, especially since the participants have been accepted to one of the best universities in Indonesia.

KH Marzuqi Mustamar menjadi salah satu pemateri PSB yang mengangkat topik spiritual

KH Marzuqi Mustamar became one of the psb presenters who delivered spiritual topics

“The country and the earth in which we are blessed to be leaders, the country will prosper in the hands of people who have morals and the knowledge,” said the lecturer who is familiarly called Mashuri. The world will be corrupted if it is carried by a man who has knowledge but has no sincerity. Despite the less impact, he continued, the world will also be damaged in the hands of people with no knowledge.


According to him, there is no place with a higher level than college. So according to him, students should be able to be superior and noble after themselves in the process on campus.

To be as good as human beings or useful requires competence. “This competency will arise after the intention and strong will to learn is realized,” he added.


Mashuri then mentioned that learning has a broad meaning. He hopes students will no longer understand learning as something that can be done passively. “Both online and offline, there should be active efforts from students to learn,” he added.


In the midst of the current pandemic, the Vice Chairman of its Islamic Spiritual Development Team (TPKI) invites new students who are present to take wisdom related to active learning. He said that if online learning is supported by the best facilities and lecturers, but students do not want to try to be active and attentive, there will not be any intellectual excellence.


It takes small achievements to achieve something big. “Hopefully, one day you become a young man who is able to achieve 80 percent success with a sufficient effort of 20 percent,” he concluded.


Out of a total of 5,234 PSB participants this year, the activities were designed into five separate sessions. (qaf/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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