ITS Campus, ITS News – A total of 7,958 new students (maba) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) academic year 2020/2021 has been officially inaugurated by ITS Rector Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng in ITS Inaugural Freshman 2020 procession, Wednesday (16/9). In contrast to previous years, during this pandemic, ITS carried out the inauguration of new students online by implementing health protocols.
As was the case at the previous graduation, ITS Executive Boards who attended the inauguration procession attended offline in the Auditorium of ITS Research Center Building. Meanwhile, new students followed and watched the procession from their homes through teleconference apps and youtube channels as well as ITS official social media.
Although implemented online, ITS is still able to liven up the spirit of new students by taking a virtual tour to campus using a very slick Minecraft game. So new students feel to be invited to directly present at one of the best technology campuses in Indonesia.
New students also received a speech from the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) of the Republic of Indonesia Nadiem Anwar Makarim BA MBA virtually. Nadiem said that education is the solution in the learning process and the key to the problems facing the nation.
Therefore, he continued, students as educated people should be the driving agent and solution provider for the nation. “Hopefully, students remain thirsty to learn, explore talents according to their interests and improve their competence in the new era of industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0,” he said.
In addition to the Minister of Education, the new students of ITS also received a direct advice from one of the inspirational figures, namely the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2014 – 2019 Dr (HC) Susi Pudjiastuti who attended online. She told ITS new students to continue studying seriously and independently. “Open your eyes, open your mind and open your ears, because today’s education is not like the conventional old days, students can freely learn and contribute their ideas,” she warned.
According to Susi, even in during this pandemic, we should not retreat, and if we can make this pandemic as an opportunity to develop our creativity. “So that you can later become alumni who can boast almamater, nation, and country,” Susi said.
Before officially confirming, Rector Prof Mochamad Ashari also gave a speech and message to the new students. He said that with the heroic spirit of November 10, 1945, this 2020 student class will one day become a future leader through ITS. “Together with ITS which is the Best College in Indonesia, with the world’s reputation, we work and contribute to the nation,” he said encouragingly.
Rector who often Ashari reminds ITS new students that the academic civitas awaits the contribution of the class of 2020 to scent the name ITS and continue the achievements that have been carved by the brothers of his generation. Moreover, today the industrial revolution 4.0 is still running and there will be disruptions, one of which some jobs will be replaced by machines later.
Therefore, as a student must master this industrial era 4.0. With its facilities, new students can join research and research at ITS Research Center as well as in the laboratory provided. “As a new generation, let’s hold 3C, namely Complex Problem Solving, Creativity, and Critical Thinking,” the Professor of Electrical Engineering said.
At the end of the day, he expects, these 2020 freshman students to learn, practice, and hone themselves to be competent. Everyone has the privilege in their own field that aims to contribute the maximum to society. “Let’s take advantage of the self-development facilities that exist in ITS, face challenges so that by learning we will all be true winners in today’s hipe competition era,” he said.
ITS Rector Prof Dr Mochamad Ashari accompanied by the leadership of ITS officially confirmed its new students 2020On this occasion, Vice Rector I of Academic and Student Affairs Prof Dr Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT submitted a report on the results of admissions of new students received in all programs as many as 7,958 people, “Among them 5,592 from undergraduate programs (S1), 1,129 people from vocational programs (D4), and 1,237 people from graduate programs (S2 and S3),” he explained.
The professor of Electrical Engineering ITS also added, the undergraduate program students received through the four registration pathways are there is a National Selection of State College Entrance (SNMPTN), Joint Selection of State College Entrance (SBMPTN), Partnership and Independent Selection (SKM) and an international class undergraduate program called International Undergraduate Program (IUP).
ITS freshman is invited to virtually tour the campus in a Minecraft game hosted by the designer, Hadziq Fabroyir SKom PhDIn the undergraduate program, there are also 12 new students from the Affirmation Dikti (Sister) program from Kemdikbud. Among others are from Papua Province, West Papua, and from the Leading, Outer, and Disadvantaged regions (3T) in Indonesia. ITS has also accepted 42 foreign students from 11 countries. “Master’s program of eight people, bachelor’s degree one person, E-Exchange 17 people, and E-Internship 16 people,” the detail reported.
Adi continued that for applicants of vocational programs or applied scholars, of the 3,323 who enrolled there were 1,129 who were successfully accepted into the program. With three different paths of achievement, independent and regular, vocation has a tightness of 17.37 percent.
(zar/Anjani/ITS Public Relation Officer)
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