ITS News

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September 24, 2020 23:09

Permata-Sakti 2020, ITS Open Classes for Students from Other Universities

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ITS Campus, ITS News – The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) issued a policy regarding the Kampus Merdeka program for all tertiary institutions in Indonesia. In support of this, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) received 255 students from 24 other state universities (PTN) in Indonesia to carry out lecture activities at ITS through the Indonesian National Student Exchange Program – Credit Transfer System with Information Technology (Permata- Sakti) 2020.

This program carried out by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) of the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti) will proceed virtually starting Monday (28/9). The program is implemented as it is aligned with the role and objectives of higher education institutions in shaping the character and civilization of the nation.

This program also has another objective, namely to reduce disparities between universities in Indonesia. As of Friday (18/9), ITS endorsed 255 student names from various state universities in Indonesia. Among others, from Syiah Kuala University, Sriwijaya University, Halu Oleo University, Padang State University, Jakarta State University, Padjajaran University and 18 other universities.

Kepala Sub Direktorat Kerjasama Akademik ITS, Nur Syahroni ST MT PhD menjabarkan tentang program Permata - Sakti 2020

The Head of the ITS Sub-Directorate for Academic Cooperation, Nur Syahroni ST MT PhD, when explaining the Permata – Sakti 2020 program

Head of the ITS Sub-Directorate for Academic Cooperation, Nur Syahroni ST MT PhD, explained that through this student exchange activity, there will be exchanges of students between different institutions. “They can experience lectures, practical, thesis, and internships,” he explained.

This lecturer, who is familiarly called Roni, continued that students not only can carry out these academic activities in the same study program as their original study program, but they also have the opportunity to do so in a different study program. “The implementation period itself is one full semester or the equivalent of 20 credits according to the provisions of each campus,” he added.

For the choice of courses, ITS offers seven top subjects in the fields of Maritime, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Industry, Energy, Environment, and Disaster. “The seven subjects can be implemented for Permata-Sakti 2020 participants who are active students in the fifth to seventh semesters,” concluded this lecturer of the ITS Marine Engineering Department.

Representing the Maritime field, the Ship Safety course was chosen by the Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering Department. The ICT field is represented by the Computational Intelligence course by the Informatics Engineering Department. Next, the Geothermal Exploration course by the Geophysical Engineering Department was chosen to represent the Energy field.

Meanwhile, the Environmental field is represented by the Integrated Coastal Zone Management course from the Department of Ocean Engineering. Meanwhile, the field of Disaster is represented by the Geological Disaster Mitigation course by the Geophysical Engineering Department. Finally, the Industrial field is represented by the Industrial Waste Management course delivered by the Chemical Engineering Department.

ITS has prepared accounts for Permata-Sakti participants so that they will be able to access integra and myITS. “With this activity, it is hoped that participants can get to know ITS more closely and become a reference for them if they wish to carry out further studies here (ITS, red),” finished Roni. (rys/ory/ITS Public Relations)

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