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October 05, 2020 15:10

ITS Holds RAISA Robot Operation Training With RSI Surabaya

Oleh : adminits | | Source : ITS Online

Portrait of RAISA ITS Robot Development Team with RSI Surabaya representatives after RAISA robot operation training

ITS Campus, ITS News — RAISA Robot is now ready to assist Surabaya Islamic Hospital (RSI Surabaya) in dealing with Covid-19 patients. To launch the use of raisa robot, ITS held raisa robot operation training attended by six representatives from RSI Surabaya at ITS Robotics Building on Friday, (03/10) ago.

Muhtadin, raisa’s robot development team, explained that the training discusses a lot about how the robot operates. From how to turn the robot off and on properly to how to encourage the robot not to damage the drive motor. Also presented is the good maintenance procedure of the robot to be able to be used according to its specifications and in a long period of time.

The robot that will operate in RSI Surabaya consists of two robots with different versions, namely the standard version robot for high care unit (HCU) and robot equipped with Pan-tilt-zoom camera (PTZ) for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) room. “Since most patients in the HCU room are bedriding, it is likely that RAISA robots equipped with PTZ cameras will be more widely used,” he said.

In addition, a discussion session on current conditions at RSI Surabaya was also held. The goal is to be able to accommodate suggestions and feedback related to what needs to be adjusted. “So hopefully, RAISA robots can operate to the maximum according to the condition of the hospital,” said the lecturer of the Department of Computer Engineering.

Later, Muhtadi also revealed that this training is a facility that ITS provides to every hospital that will use RAISA robots. So far, RAISA’s development team has held six similar training activities to different hospital partners.

Not only conducting training, Muhtadin continued, RAISA’s robot development team will conduct control and mentoring online. So far, RAISA robots have never experienced any significant problems. Usually there are only minor issues such as setting errors that can be resolved quickly.

Muhtadin explained that the arrival of RAISA robot at RSI Surabaya itself is a grant program from PT Pertamina to help the performance of covid-19 referral hospitals in Surabaya. So far, both PT Pertamina and its subsidiaries have cooperated with ITS by purchasing two RAISA robots and ingesting them to Husada Utama Surabaya Hospital and Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital in Jakarta.

Seeing the hospital’s positive response regarding the ease of use of RAISA robots, Muhtadin hopes that the robot is used to the best and can assist medical personnel in treating Covid-19 patients. “Because this is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) fund from PT Pertamina, of course they also want the use of robots to have a positive impact in the current pandemic conditions,” he concluded. (ai/Anjani/lut)

The training atmosphere that takes place in ITS Robotics Building

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