Head of PUI-AIHeS Dr Ir Endroyono DEA when submitting the Report on the Establishment of PUI-AIHeS online
ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is increasingly showing its seriousness in contributing to the nation in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI)) and health. ITS proved that by the online inauguration of the Pusat Unggulan Iptek – Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare and Society (PUI-AIHeS) Thursday (15/10).
ITS Rector Prof. Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng said that artificial intelligence has a very strategic and comprehensive role in his remarks. Although it’s still new, ITS targeted PUI-AIHeS to immediately meet the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and Commercial Readiness Level (CRL). “This includes several points from ideas, concepts, proof of the theory, creation of prototypes, certification, to mass production,” he explained.
ITS Rector Prof. Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng when delivering his remarks online at the inauguration ceremony of PUI-AIHeS
He revealed that ITS, which routinely launches innovative products every year, will focus on health and artificial intelligence in 2021. The Department of Electrical Engineering ITS professor also hopes that the new PUI can collaborate with research centres, study centres, and ITS laboratories. “As well as being able to form a consortium, determine topics to work on, to produce new products downstream,” he added.
On the same occasion, ITS Deputy Rector IV for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni, Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD, said that there are already many products PUI-AIHeS and disseminate them to the public. Therefore, there are three hopes, capacity building in resources to funding, capacity building for research development, and dissemination.
ITS Deputy Rector IV Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD was also present online at the inauguration ceremony of PUI-AIHeS
Judging by the PUI-AIHeS struggle history, Bambang felt that this inauguration was a long-awaited moment by various parties. He hopes it can help to increase ITS technological independence. “Research, innovation, and innovative products will form the backbone of the institute’s development to become a campus that is beneficial to society,” said the Mechanical Engineering lecturer.
In line with Bambang, ITS Director of Research and Community Service (DRPM) Agus Hatta ST MSi PhD also expressed his gratitude for the trust of the Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. PUI, which has specific characteristics and is second to none in Indonesia, is considered the right choice because artificial intelligence has become an essential topic in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0.
Seeing the interest in developing high artificial intelligence, the Director of Innovation & Science Technology Area (DIKST), Achmad Affandi DEA expressed his hope that PUI-AIHeS could contribute to the development of AI-based industries on a national scale. Even though ITS does not have a hospital, Affandi is happy that ITS can work together with various hospitals to advance innovation in the health sector.
Director of Research and Community Service ITS Agus Hatta ST MSi PhD in the inauguration ceremony of PUI-AIHeS
Meanwhile, the Head of PUI-AIHeS Dr Ir Endroyono DEA said that the PUI has five development programs. Among them are institutional strengthening, increased excellence, commercialization, issue formulation and strategic research, and industry cooperation.
Endroyono expected PUI-AIHeS to become a centre and reference in technological development in artificial intelligence for the health sector for the benefit of the community on a national and international scale. “This launching is a proof that PUI-AIHeS has become part of ITS to support the achievement of the ITS ID 4.0 program,” he said.
In the video of its inauguration, PUI-AIHes has developed several superior products and innovations, namely Tracing COVID-19 ITS (TRACITS) which provides access to information on the distribution of COVID-19 patients, referral hospitals, and projections of the spread of COVID-19. Then there is the RAISA Robot which is the fruit of collaboration between ITS and Unair in tackling COVID-19.
Director of Innovation & ITS Science Technology Area Achmad Affandi DEA at the online inauguration of PUI-AiHeS
PUI-AIHeS inauguration events followed by a webinar that presented two competent speakers, Informatics Engineering professor Prof. Drs Ec Ir Riyanarto Sarno MSc PhD, who gave a lecture about Software and Hardware Stereotactic in Brain Surgery. As well as a professor of Industrial and System Engineering ITS Prof. Iwan Vanany ST MT PhD, who discussed the topic of Supply chain in Healthcare. (AI/sel/ITS Public Relations)
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