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October 27, 2020 15:10

ITS Team Successfully Wins 3rd Place in Satria Data 2020

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(dari kiri) Ika Safitri, Fatimatuz Zahro, dan Palupi Nugraheni peraih Best Creativity kategori Statistic Infographics Competition Satria Data 2020(from left) Ika Safitri, Fatimatuz Zahro, and Palupi Nugraheni won the Best Creativity category for Statistics Infographics Competition Satria Data 2020

Campus ITS, ITS News – proud achievement is returned to a team of students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), this time in the event Satria Data 2020 held by the Center Honors National Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) with Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), mid-October then. No half-hearted, three teams of ITS buy up the champion and manage to occupy the third overall champion.

At the national level competition in this statistical field, the ITS team managed to buy up three wins in two categories of the race. Namely the Best Creativity and People’s Choice Award in the Statistics Infographic Competition (SIC) category, and the Most Efficient Algorithm in the Big Data Challenge (BDC) category.

Ika Safitri, Fatimatuz Zahro, and Palupi Nugraheni from the ITS Actuarial Department won the Best Creativity award. Bringing the topic of Village Potential and Food Security, the three 2019 class students did not expect to win an award at all. “Honestly, this is the first experience for me and the team to take part in an infographic competition, and it just so happens that between my two friends, one has advantages in that design,” said Ika Safitri.

Infografis tim ITS yang meraih Best Creativity dalam ajang Satria Data 2020Infographics of the ITS team that won Best Creativity at Satria Data  2020

With the guidance of lecturers from the Department of Visual Communication Design (DKV) ITS, Princess Dwitasari ST MDs, the trio managed to process the data provided by the committee into an interesting infographic. Ika admitted that the data processing process was not easy considering the data provided by the committee was not immediately received.

“It turned out that the data provided did not match the expectations of the team. Time is running out, and we are still confused about how to process the data. Because it’s the first time too, so I think the title will take a long time”, he said.

Meanwhile, another team consisting of Dyah Ayu Adhasya Putri, Annisaa ‘Rahmaah Nurul S, and Rania Ayu Widyanugraheni received the People’s Choice Award. The category is based on the number of netizens who like the infographic among the 30 teams selected in the nomination.

(dari kiri) Dyah Ayu Adhasya Putri, Annisaa' Rahmaah Nurul Syawal, dan Rania Ayu menunjukkan infografis yang dilombakan dalam ajang Satria Data 2020(from left) Dyah Ayu Adhasya Putri, Annisaa ‘Rahmaah Nurul Syawal, and Rania Ayu showing the infographics that were contested in Satria Data 2020

Bringing the topic of Covid-19, the team consisting of students from the Actuarial Department and the Department of Architecture also managed to dominate the first position with 1,217 likes on Instagram.

Similar to the previous team, Dyah revealed that he did not expect to receive the People’s Choice Award. “Initially, it was announced that it only passed the final round another SK was nominating the team for the People’s Choice Award category,” he said.

Once nominated, Dyah and her two colleagues relied heavily on relationships to like and share their infographics. “Of course, pray too, because you can like that much thanks to anyone’s help, if not the one above (God, ed),” he said gratefully.

Infografis karya tim ITS yang meraih People's Choice Award dalam ajang Satria Data 2020An infographic by the ITS team that won the People’s Choice Award at Satria Data 2020

In the Big Data Challenge category represented by a team from the ITS Statistics Department. The team consisting of Tiza Ayu Virania, Indah Maryama, and Tabita Yuni Susanto received the Most Efficient Algorithm award.

In the preliminary round, Tiza and friends must solve problems regarding the classification of hoax news according to the data provided. “We are given two data, training data and test data. We can only make a model from the training data, then the model obtained from the training data is used to predict the test data,” explained Tiza.

The student of 2017 explained that all teams were given three opportunities to send predictive results of test data. With the scoring metric, the teams’ prediction results are displayed immediately. The temporary rating can be immediately known. “We did two submissions,” he admitted.

(dari kiri) Tabita Yuni Susanto, Indah Maryama, Tiza Ayu Virania yang berhasil meraih penghargaan the Most Efficient Algorithm dalam Satria Data 2020(from left) Tabita Yuni Susanto, Indah Maryama, Tiza Ayu Virania who won the Most Efficient Algorithm award in Satria Data 2020

In the first submission, said Tiza, his team could still be in the 7th rank, until a few days later their ranking dropped. “There we try hard to find the best model,” he said.

Overshadowed by the slump in rank, the team that used the lasso logistic regression method tried to improve regulation and improve preprocessing text in their model. Changing rankings caused this team to be anxious and diligent in looking at the scoreboard. “During the elimination, everything can happen, because you can see when those who are already in the top 10 will be eliminated and when they are safe. So everyone can shift the other rankings,” added Tiza.

Presentasi model Pendeteksian Narasi Hoax oleh tim ITS dalam ajang Satria Data 2020Presentation of the Hoax Narrative Detection model by the ITS team at Satria Data 2020

Ranking fourth, Tiza and the team advanced to the final round. In this round, a presentation along with a demonstration of the analysis program was conducted. The question and answer session went smoothly, even though there was one jury who was not satisfied with the teams’ answers. All fears were removed as soon as the award took place. “When our names were mentioned we were shocked and moved. I didn’t expect to get the Most Efficient Algorithm award,” he said.

The success of these three teams did not stop their hopes of being proud of this campus again. “In the future, we must prepare from an early age to take part in the competition to produce better works and results. We hope to win and be able to raise the good name of our beloved alma mater, “he hoped, which was agreed by all team members. (dya/ITS Public Relations)

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