ITS News

Friday, March 07, 2025
November 16, 2020 19:11

Empowers Lemon Farmer, Two ITS Students Create SayLemon

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Elen Nova Widyarindra saat menunjukkan rancangan bisnis SayLemon

Elen Nova Widyarindra shows the SayLemon business plan

With the theme of Creative Industries, the team chaired by Fauzi Andiari Sya’ban presented a business plan called SayLemon is a practical solution for lemons during the Covid-19 epidemic. This innovation is based on the problem of the large number of lemon farmers in Banyuwangi who are losing money due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. “They complained that the sales of lemons during the pandemic were so low,” said the young man from Surabaya.

Bringing the theme Creative Industries, the team chaired by Fauzi Andiari Sya’ban presented a business plan called SayLemon is a practical solution for lemons during the Covid-19 epidemic. This innovation is based on the problem of the large number of lemon farmers in Banyuwangi who are losing money due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. “They complained that the sales of lemons during the pandemic were so low,” said the young man from Surabaya.

Not only empowering lemon farmers, but the product carried by this team also functions as a medium to introduce the benefits of lemon fruit. Fauzi explained that so far, lemons are only sold whole in the market or supermarkets. “It’s rare to find a practical and hygienic lemon product,” he explained.

Fauzi said that SayLemon is a practical lemon juice product that can be consumed immediately without cut and squeeze it. So that with SayLemon, according to him, it will increase the consumption of lemons with an easier presentation. “The increasing consumption of lemons will also improve the welfare of lemon farmers in the Banyuwangi area who are our suppliers,” he said.

Fauzi Andiari Sya'ban selaku ketua tim saat menunjukkan rancangan bisnis SayLemon

Fauzi Andiari Sya’ban, the team leader shows the SayLemon business plan

This alumnus of SMAN 15 Surabaya explained that the SayLemon made by his team has several advantages. First, the shelf life of this product has a fairly long period. They have conducted research related to using pasteurization techniques to test how long the SayLemon product will last. “This durability depends on the cooking process carried out If it takes too long, it expires quickly, while if it is too fast, the lemon juice cooking process will not be perfect,” he explained.

Furthermore, Fauzi also revealed that SayLemon is real lemon juice without the addition of artificial preservatives. So his SayLemon product is called a healthy drink during a pandemic like now. It is hoped that the lemon juice product he makes can become a drink to increase the body’s immunity and maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle. “We have conducted research on how to increase immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic and we have found lemons that have the ingredients we are looking for,” he explained.

He explained that this product of him and his colleague, Elen Nova Widyarindra were packaged practically and attractively with the aim that the lemon’s content was durable at room temperature and could be consumed as needed.

What is interesting is that after the SayLemon production process is carried out, Fauzi explained, there will be waste products produced. However, instead of throwing away the lemon waste, he and his team decided to process it into a hand sanitizer from waste lemon peels. “Later, we will extract the skin waste to be used as a base for hand sanitizers and organic lemon soap,” he added.

SayLemon, produk sari buah lemon tanpa bahan pengawet buatan dua mahasiswa ITS

SayLemon, a lemon juice product without preservatives made by two ITS students

In the end, Fauzi hopes that SayLemon’s business plan in the future can be further implemented. Fauzi also hopes that in the future there will be investors who fund his work to be continued in further research on other innovations that use lemons. With the hope that lemon is better known as a fruit with multiple benefits. “For SayLemon itself, I hope our products will become a one-stop shopping solution to meet the daily needs of the community,” he said hopefully.

Not in vain, the product created by the student of the Department of Marine Transportation Engineering class 2018 with his colleagues, won 1st place in the EP SPACE 2020 Business Plan Competition organized by Siliwangi University, last October. This innovation managed to beat 20 other competitors. “Low prices with guaranteed quality make us sure we can outperform other finalists,” concluded this bespectacled student. (Bob/far/ITS Public Relations)

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