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Tuesday, January 07, 2025
November 20, 2020 08:11

ITS Help Facilitate Village Population Data Collection through Excel Dashboard

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Salah satu sesi materi yang berlangsung secara daring dan luring di Kelurahan Putat Jaya, Surabaya

One of the material sessions that took place online and offline in Putat Jaya Village, Surabaya

ITS Campus, ITS News – The development of digital technology has now begun to be encouraged in the government system in Indonesia, even at the village government level. Supporting this, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) team of Community Service (Abmas) helped facilitate village population data collection by introducing a simple excel dashboard application.

The Head of the ITS Abmas Team, Dr. Ismaini Zain MSi, explained that the application is easy to use to collect and process some population data, such as population data, gender, occupation, and so on. The new data model is based on data that has been successfully obtained, such as population density data obtained from population data and regional data.

According to Ismaini, the excel dashboard is very easy to learn and understand for beginners, even with some training and mentoring it is quite easy for someone to compile an excel dashboard. With this simple application, the process of collecting and processing in an area that has limited Human Resources (HR) can become easier. This is because the availability of valid data is important for regional development itself.

In the city of Surabaya itself, there are still urban villages whose data availability needs to be improved again. Call it Putat Jaya Village, the process of searching for data still has to go directly to the field which requires a lot of officers and money.

Contoh aplikasi sederhana excel dashboard yang dibuat pada pelatihan

Example of a simple excel dashboard application made in training

That is what motivates Ismaini and her team to hold a simple excel dashboard application training for population data for local youth organizations that take place online and offline. A total of 20 members of the Youth Organization were trained to be able to create a simple excel dashboard application which later can be used for population data providers in the local village.

Those who represent 15 RWs in Putat Jaya Sub-district get training which includes official population statistics, data collection and presentation techniques, data presentation using excel programs, as well as tables and graphics in the excel program. Furthermore, students participating in the ITS Real Work Lecture (KKN) will accompany them in compiling the dashboard excel application.

After their application has been completed, the Karang Taruna members can immediately start the data collection process in the village. “ITS KKN students also always help if they have difficulties until December,” said the ITS Statistics Department lecturer.

Ketua Tim Abmas ITS Dr Ismaini Zain MSi (kiri) dan Sekretaris Kelurahan Putat Jaya, Radityaka Wahyu Iswara pada hari pertama pelatihan pendataan digital

Chairman of the ITS Abmas Team, Dr. Ismaini Zain MSi (left) and Secretary of the Putat Jaya Village, Radityaka Wahyu Iswara on the first day of the digital data collection training

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Putat Jaya Village, Radityaka Wahyu Iswara, expressed his deep gratitude to ITS for the training on population data. He admitted that so far, the availability of data in the kelurahan was still limited.

That way, Wahyu hopes that this training and mentoring can make Putat Jaya Village have valid and accountable data. “God willing, with this training all data will be available from 15 RTs and can be accessed by all parties,” he concluded. (sof/ris/ITS Public Relations)

Seluruh mahasiswa KKN ITS, Tim Abmas ITS, dan anggota Karang Taruna setempat seusai pelatihan dilaksanakan

All ITS KKN students, ITS Abmas Team, and members of the local Youth Organization after the training was held

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