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November 22, 2020 13:11

FPTVI Seminar and Congress, Minister of Education and Culture: Vocational Studies Must be Able to become the Solution

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Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI Nadiem Anwar Makarim saat menyampaikan sambutan pada Seminar Nasional dan Kongres FPTVI 2020

The Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Nadiem Anwar Makarim during his remarks at the 2020 National Seminar and FPTVI Congress

ITS Campus, ITS News – Currently, vocational education is an important aspect in the development of Human Resources (HR) in Indonesia. Various activities and programs have been carried out by many educational activists for the development of superior human resources. One of them is through the National Seminar and the 2020 Indonesian Vocational Higher Education Forum (FPTVI) Congress which was held online (online), Saturday (21/11).

This National Seminar and FPTVI Congress is an annual event organized by FPTVI. This time, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) was lined up to host the activity which was held for the seventh time. “Thank you to FPTVI for giving this good opportunity to ITS, hopefully, this activity can provide many benefits for Indonesia in the future,” said ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng in his speech.

This year’s seminars and congresses carry the big theme of Collaboration of Vocational Education and Industry to Make Indonesia More Great. Not only that, the commission session is divided into four areas which are expected to be able to answer substantive issues and problems and achieve strategic objectives. The four fields are Industrial Synergy, Vocational and Professional Education, Teaching Factory, and Organization and Work Program.

Ketua FPTVI Prof Dr Ir Budiyono MSi ketika menghadiri acara Seminar Nasional dan Kongres FPTVI 2020 secara virtual

The Chairperson of FPTVI Prof. Dr. Ir Budiyono MSi when attending the National Seminar and FPTVI Congress 2020 virtually

According to the Chairperson of FPTVI Prof. Dr. Ir Budiyono MSi said that the discussion at the 2020 FPTVI Seminar and Congress adjusted to the current conditions, which were still in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. “The commission session this time was slightly modified to accommodate the latest issues and it is hoped that this congress can be useful and can be directly applied in each university,” he said.

The Dean of the ITS Vocational Faculty Prof. Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc Ph.D. also added that this pandemic could have both positive and negative impacts. He said that the pandemic opened up many new opportunities that had never been done, such as the holding of online seminars and congresses. “What is important is how to create various innovations, which is the homework for all of us as education activists,” he said.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng memberikan sambutan pada Seminar Nasional dan Kongres FPTVI 2020

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng gave a speech at the 2020 National Seminar and FPTVI Congress

At the 2020 FPTVI National Seminar this time a special guest was attended, namely the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim BA MBA. Even though he could not attend in person, he took the time to convey several things related to HR Development in Indonesia in the future.

Nadiem said that the development of superior human resources is the key to Indonesia’s development and a priority for the nation. Therefore, education is an important aspect of human resource development, including vocational education in Indonesia. “The seriousness of the government in maximizing the potential and working on human resource development, especially vocational, is evidenced by the formation of a special directorate general, namely the Directorate General of Vocations,” he said.

Nadiem said that the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) is committed to encouraging the advancement of vocational education institutions through a link and match strategy. “The link and match this time is not just a ceremony and signature of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), but substantially to realize vocational education and graduates that are relevant to the real world,” he said.

Dekan Fakultas Vokasi ITS Prof Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc PhD pada pembukaan Seminar Nasional dan Kongres FPTVI 2020

Dean of the ITS Vocational Faculty Prof. Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc Ph.D. at the opening of the 2020 FPTVI National Seminar and Congress

He also said, this of course must be supported by all parties. “This strategy is not measured solely from the visible physical aspects, but must also be started from a change in the mindset and leadership of the head of vocational schools, teachers, deans, or vocational campus directors,” he added.

The Ministry of Education and Culture continues to strive to present various breakthroughs. Not only adds to the attractiveness of vocational education but also provides opportunities for students to choose the best. Last week, the Ministry of Education and Culture launched two breakthrough programs, namely the fast-track SMK Diploma 2 (D2) program and the program to upgrade from D3 to applied bachelors or D4.

“We present this breakthrough to provide more flexible opportunities for vocational education so that it can network and prepare reliable and mature prospective workers,” explained Nadiem.

Nadiem was also invited to think from upstream to downstream. Vocational programs including PT Vocations must be based on real needs. Without it, of course, it cannot create graduates with relevant competencies, have a work-ready mentality, and are ready to learn for life. “Vocational must be a solution, innovative, and strong for Indonesia,” he reminded.

Lastly, Nadiem reminded us that the responsibility to organize vocational education rests on all of us. He hopes that this good effort can be carried out immediately so that it can provide relevant vocational education and vocational education can increasingly play a strategic role in advancing Indonesia. “Greetings from strong vocations, strengthen Indonesia,” concluded Nadiem. (meg/ris/ITS Public Relations)

Para peserta yang hadir secara virtual saat sesi foto bersama pada Seminar Nasional dan Kongres FPTVI 2020

Participants who attended virtually during a group photo session at the 2020 FPTVI National Seminar and Congress

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