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November 23, 2020 23:11

ITS Lecturers Create a COVID-19 Prevention Themed Card Game

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Penyerahan simbolis sumbangan Card Game Palagan yang akan dibagikan kepada masyarakat Jawa Timur

Symbolic handover of the Palagan Card Game donation which will be distributed to the people of East Java

ITS Campus, ITS News – The lecturer team from the Department of Visual Communication Design (DKV) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) succeeded in creating a card game or card game with the theme of COVID prevention called Palagan. In collaboration with the East Java Provincial Health Office, this game was officially released at the Governor’s Office of East Java Province on Tuesday (24/11).

Palagan itself is one of the community service products produced by a team from the Digital Creative Media Laboratory of the ITS DKV Department. This team consists of five lecturers from the ITS DKV Department, chaired by Rabendra Yudistira Alamin ST MDs. The other four lecturers are Nugrahardi Ramadhani SSn MT, Didit Prasetyo ST MT, Putri Dwitasari ST MDs, and Nurina Orta Darmawati ST MDs. “There are also students from the DKV Department and the ITS Information Technology Department who helped develop this game,” said Rabendra.

The name Palagan in this game means battle in Sanskrit. Rabendra explained that this name was chosen because it compared the current conditions as a battle against something that was never known before, namely the Coronavirus. “Now on the battlefield, the strategy or whatever is needed to fight can be illustrated through this game,” he informed.

This game is admittedly inspired by a similar card game, namely “Sushi Go Party” by Phil Walker-Harding which was released in 2016. Palagan itself has 79 cards of various types such as an event, sports, protection, protocol, balanced nutrition, kindness, and danger cards. In all of these cards, there is a description in the form of education on the prevention of COVID-19 transmission according to the type of activity.

This game can also be started with two to five players and has a duration of approximately 30 minutes. The game begins by separating the event card from the other cards to then place it in the middle of the playing area face down. After that one of the players can distribute eight cards to each of the other players.

The next phase is where one of the players can open a face-up event card. After that, all the players choose one of the cards they have and place it in front of them. Next, players give all unselected cards to each other in a clockwise direction. “From the cards they got, they put one chosen card in front of them and then exchanged cards again,” he explained again.

Wakil Gubernur Provinsi Jawa Timur, Emil Elestianto Dardak, ketika memberikan sambutan pada acara perilisan Card Game Palagan

Deputy Governor of East Java Province, Emil Elestianto Dardak, when giving a speech at the release of Card Game Palagan

Afterwards, there are eight cards that are opened in front of them, then the player can make an assessment according to the provisions of each type of card. The player who gets the most points can be declared the winner in that round. The game can end after one player has won three rounds of play.

In addition to producing products in the form of playing cards, Rabendra also explained that his team had also released an application that could be downloaded for free through the Google Playstore. This application can be useful for clarifying the brief description printed on the card. “So, the cards can later be scanned so that a description will appear through the augmented reality feature,” added the lecturer who is involved in this game-based media.

He also added that in the future, there will be further improvements to the Palagan application. It is hoped that in the future the application will not only be able to issue a description but also be able to play the game digitally. “Including being able to issue an interesting sound or animation,” he identified.

Currently, there are more than 800 first printed Palagan card games ready to be donated to the public. The Deputy Governor of East Java Province, Emil Elestianto Dardak, who was also present at the release event, welcomed this game as a learning medium for the community. “I am also ready to promote this in the future by making video tutorials of the game directly,” he stated appreciatively. (sep/sen/ITS Public Relations)

Rabendra Yudistira Alamin ST MDs menjelaskan mengenai Card Game Palagan buatan tim dosen ITS

Rabendra Yudistira Alamin ST MDs when explaining about the Palagan Card Game made by the ITS lecturer team

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