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December 03, 2020 20:12

ITS Student Team Designs Integrated Port with National Hub Concept

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online

Kemal Arya Widigda, Al Lailatul Qodriyah, and Bellatrix Indah Pratiwi when presenting the concept of their team’s plan

ITS Campus, ITS News – Seeing the potential that could be developed in Jenu and Tambakboyo Districts, Tuban Regency, inspired three students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to plan it to become a National Hub area. The concept of a port that is integrated with leading sectors can be a solution to developing this area called Texas in East Java.

Kemal Arya Widigda, Bellatrix Indah Pratiwi, and Al Lailatul Qodriyah, three ITS Urban and Regional Planning Department (PWK), plan an integrated port concept that is environmentally sound to improve the welfare of the local community there. “Later, it will be integrated with several leading sectors such as fisheries, ports, housing, and industry,” explained Kemal.

The port has a function as a link, interface, and gateway through this concept. The link is that the port will be one of the links in the transportation process chain from the origin of goods to their destination. Besides, the port will become an interface or meeting point for sea and land transportation modes. “And it will become a gateway or gateway where visiting ships must comply with the applicable regulations in the area,” he explained.

The four existing leading sectors were chosen because they could be a supporting factor in developing this concept. For example, the industrial sector has a processing industry in the form of mining and quarrying, which is a developing sector there. “This port will later be able to support and participate in developing industrial activities in the future,” said the 2017 student.

Kemal Arya Widigda (standing in the middle) and his team, when surveying the planning location

The preservation of aquaculture certainly does not escape this concept. This is because, on the Jenu District coast, there is a wealth of fish resources in the form of pelagic and demersal fish. Even Jenu and Tambakboyo Districts are famous for their superior commodities in catfish and tiger prawns. “This is where we try a comprehensive approach known as integrated coastal management in our concept,” he said.

Kemal also mentioned that the essence of this concept is four points. Namely, optimizing the connectivity of the leading sectors with ports, developing leading sectors in the study area so that they have high competitiveness, developing ports with an environmentally sound concept, and improving local community resources to support the area.

Jenu and Tambakboyo Districts themselves are considered suitable for this concept because they cannot be separated from several reasons such as the potential for capture fisheries and ports according to the Zoning Plan for Coastal Areas and Small Islands (RZWP3K) and the potential for oil and gas storages by the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW). ). “It remains just how the compliance of these regulations will be developed with our concept,” added the student from Surabaya.

Current coastal conditions that will be planned to become a National Hub

Thanks to this planning concept, Kemal and his team won first place in the 2020 Planning Work Competition held by the East Java Planner Association (IAP) some time ago. Selection in submitting papers and posters to presentations in the final round has been passed under the direct guidance of PWK ITS lecturers, Arwi Yudhi Koswara ST MT and Putu Gde Ariastita ST MT.

Kemal also hopes that the winning title can motivate other students in the PWK ITS Department to excel through his planning work. Also, he hopes that the concept he has compiled can be an input for the central and local governments to develop the area. “And of course, I’m proud to make PWK ITS proud through this achievement,” he concluded happily. (sep/man/ITS Public Relations)

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