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Friday, March 07, 2025
December 04, 2020 18:12

ITS Pioneers Development Area through Halal Filet and Gelatin Production

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The process of making fish fillets was taught by the ITS Abmas team in Pacitan Regency.

ITS Campus, ITS News – In an effort to realize the community service function which is the substance of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) proves its responsibility by pioneering a built area in Pacitan Regency through activities that encourage the production of filets and halal gelatin from fish. The agenda by ITS in the Community Service (Abmas) program lasts for three months starting July 2020.

The head of the ITS Abmas team, Drs Lukman Atmaja MSi Ph.D., said that halal filets and gelatin were specifically carried out for Tamperan Port, which has Class II Coastal Fishery Port (PPP). “There are three traditional fishing communities that use simple fishing technology, where generally fishing equipment is operated manually by human power and the ability to roam is limited to coastal waters,” said Lukman.

Not only from ITS, the 59-year-old lecturer informed that the comprehensive program that was initiated was integration between ITS and the Pacitan Regency Marine and Fisheries Service, Darussalam University (Unida) Gontor, and the local traditional fishing community. The Abmas activity was attended by 21 active local Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) from Lukman’s explanation.

ITS Abmas Team, together with representatives from 21 MSMEs in Pacitan Regency

They chose Pacitan for this activity for a particular reason. This lecturer from The Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, ITS, said that his party supports filet and gelatin in Pacitan since the geographical conditions, which are directly adjacent to the sea, allow the product marketing of fish and their processed products. “The geography of South Pacitan allows a sustainable supply of fish from fishermen throughout the year, although it is fluctuating,” said Lukman.

Also, Lukman continued, the factor that underlies Pacitan Regency’s determination as a target area is the community’s difficulty in marketing fish and its processed products. Furthermore, this obstacle occurs because the Pacitan Regency location is far from big cities such as Surakarta, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya. Thus, Lukman emphasized that the Abmas program is intended to increase fish processing effectiveness to increase people’s income.

In implementing the program, the Abmas ITS team scheduled intelligence efforts related to the concept of added value from conventional products to innovative products, the importance of halal food products, the global halal market’s growth, and procedures for processing halal certificates. “We explained the hygienic and good procedures for making fillets and gelatin. Furthermore, there is a filet and gelatin production workshop as well as a demonstration of the use of gelatin produced from previous training, “explained Lukman again.

Lukman Atmaja MSi Ph.D. (center) with ITS Thematic KKN students who are involved as a business and marketing team

The development of the pilot area by the ITS Abmas team, which also consists of Didik Prasetyoko and Mardi Santoso from the Chemistry Department, was welcomed, as seen by the local community’s high enthusiasm. The lecturer, who was born in Jombang, explained that the community response was in an extraordinary category. All activities are carried out offline, namely coming directly to Pacitan. “Including visits to 21 production sites from 21 MSMEs who participated in this service, which are spread across the city of Pacitan, rural Pacitan, and West Pacitan,” said the thermodynamics expert.

At the end of this community service program, Lukman explained that all MSMEs had agreed to be part of the ITS Guided Area for the next three years, namely from 2021 to 2023. Then, to ensure the sustainability of the benefits that have been received, new MSMEs for halal gelatin are also has been initiated. “The service team hopes that someday South Pacitan will become a center for fish gelatin production,” said Lukman hopefully. (jev/man/ ITS Public Relations)

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