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December 07, 2020 15:12

ITS Students Create SMAF-DT, a Fish Detecting Tool

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online

The SMAF-DT application display that can be used with a smartphone

ITS Campus, ITS News – The catch of fishermen in the Madura Strait which is relatively few makes two students of the Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Faculty of Vocational Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) initiated a new innovation. The tool called Smart Fish Detection Technology (SMAF-DT) is able to detect areas with many fish, so that fishermen can spread nets in the area and get maximum results.

The two students are Rafly Zaka Rulloh and Figo Fergiyanto Dachlan. Both of them got the idea starting from their observation of the habits of fishermen who fish every day in the Madura Strait. They see the catch of Bangkalan fisherman is relatively few compared to other regional fishermen, so it affects their economy.

Rafly explained that this happened because of the small area of the water coverage. Moreover, the method of fishing is also still using the old way. Namely by spreading nets in the middle of the sea-based on the instincts, memories, and estimates of fishermen to the previous history of fishing.

While in the middle of the sea, fishermen spread nets and beat the water around it so that the fish would move towards the net. Not to mention, for about six hours in the middle of the sea fishermen will only go home carrying catches of 3-5 kilograms only. “Of course this is not worth the cost of fuel that must be spent by fishermen,” Rafly added.

(from left) Rafly Zaka Rulloh and Figo Fergiyanto Dachlan shows their idea of ​​SMAF-DT to help fishermen

To solve the problem, Rafly and Figo made a new innovation in the form of tools that can help fishermen to improve their catches. A device called SMAF-DT is installed on the bottom of the boat so that it can detect the presence of fish in the water using sensors.

Rafly explained that SMAF-DT utilizes sound waves and ultrasonic sensors to detect the movement of fish in the ocean. It is then equipped with an alarm light on the boat as an indicator. When the boat begins to run towards the sea, sensors begin to detect the movement of fish in the water. “When the sensor hits the fish then the indicator light will turn on,” explained Rafly.

SMAF-DT is also equipped with GPS position tracking technology so that it can monitor ship movements and record previous arrest history positions. This tool that can be connected to a smartphone can be used by people at home to monitor the position of the boat directly through the SMAF-DT application.

The SMAF-DT application display that can be used with a smartphone

SMAF-DT application is also equipped with the main menu about fish. This feature is useful to increase the fishermen’s knowledge about the types of fish and their content. “So this application can also be used even if the fishermen do not go to sea,” rafly added.

The advantage of this tool, said Rafly, is that it can help fishermen to make a lot of catches, thereby improving the family economy. Then, it can also be a safety tool because it can monitor the movement of the boat. With simple technology, they hope this tool is affordable and economical for fishermen in their area.

Through this very beneficial innovation for fishermen on the coast of the Madura Strait, SMAF-DT has received recognition as the champion in the Bara Muda Essay Competition organized by Trunojoyo Madura University, recently.

Hopefully in the future, said Rafly, this project can be implemented soon and can be mass-produced so that it can be used by all fishermen in Indonesia. “So not only the fishermen of Bangkalan Regency on the coast of Madura Strait but all fishermen in Indonesia,” Rafly said hopefully. (naj/nadh/ITS Public Relations)

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