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December 17, 2020 14:12

Handle Covid-19, Kemenristek / BRIN Orders 10 Units of RAISA

Oleh : adminits | | Source : ITS Online

Ten RAISA units ordered by kemenristek-BRIN for hospitals throughout Indonesia

ITS Campus, ITS News – Medical Robot Assistant ITS – Unair (RAISA) is once again trusted by the Ministry of Research and Technology / State Ministry of National Research and Innovation (Kemenristek / BRIN) to be mass produced in handling Covid-19. Later this year, kemenristek / BRIN also ordered 10 units of RAISA and 35 automatic door opening devices to be placed in hospitals throughout Indonesia.

Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama ST MKom, Head of RAISA Robot Development Team, explained that the 10 units consist of five RAISA robots for the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and five RAISA robots for the High Care Unit (HCU). “All RAISA units have been done quality control by running it for several hours with a distance of more than one kilometer,” said the lecturer who is familiarly called Ketut.

Ketut added, RAISA HCU will be used to assist medical personnel in delivering food, beverages, medicines, personal belongings of patients, and two-way communication between patients and medical personnel. Raisa ICU, meanwhile, is equipped with a special camera that is used to control the patient’s vital signs, infusion droplets, and the patient’s urine bag. “With this ability, medical personnel can estimate the condition of Covid-19 patients in ICU precisely and in real-time, without the need to visit it,” he explained.

Dean of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (FTEIC) Faculty ITS added that although no special features were ordered, but now RAISA has been equipped with some of the latest features. The feature allows RAISA robots to be easily tracked in communication networks. “This feature will make RAISA operators can run robots with each other more easily,” said this Lecturer of Computer Engineering Department.

Ketut continued, another feature that is also added is the Raisa robot usage recording feature per operator which is calculated from the robot’s mileage within the specified time. The existence of this feature allows the performance of the operator can also be monitored. “It is expected that operating raisa feels like playing a game. The operator in question will get the highest score if the RAISA he controlled is widely used,” said Ketut.

Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama ST MKom, Head of RAISA Robot Development Team from ITS

Completing the existence of RAISA, Ketut explained that this automatic door opening device will increase the effectiveness of RAISA performance. The device makes the door can be opened or closed remotely by raisa operator. Not only that, the door drive can also automatically close the door if it has not been completely closed or opened by other medical personnel. “With this feature, the door will always be ensured to close so that the Covid-19 virus does not spread to areas other than isolation rooms,” he added.

Ten RAISA units and 35 door opening devices will be distributed to Sumatra, Java and Bali. The hospitals targeted are Fatmawati General Hospital (RSUP) in Jakarta, Prof Dr Sulianti Saroso Infectious Disease Hospital in North Jakarta, Dr Mohammad Hoesin Hospital in Palembang, Dr Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung, Dr Sardjito Hospital in Yogyakarta, Jemursari Islamic Hospital in Surabaya, Dr Soegiri Hospital in Lamongan, Dr Soewandhie Hospital in Surabaya, Dr Kariadi Hospital in Semarang , and Bali Mandara Hospital in Denpasar.

Not only distributed, Ketut emphasized that ITS will also provide advance training on the use of RAISA robots online and offline to medical personnel in each destination hospital. RAISA is also given a warranty of a year of spare parts and a year of service.

Ten raisa units and 35 completed automatic door opener devices manufactured by ITS

For Ketut, the trust of the Ministry of Research and Technology /BRIN means that ITS innovation products in collaboration with Universitas Airlangga (Unair) have been recognized. It also shows that RAISA and its devices are needed by medical personnel in treating Covid-19 patients in Indonesia.

It is great hope from Ketut that RAISA robots can be really used and useful for handling Covid-19 patients in Indonesia. “Especially to help paramedics on duty while preventing paramedics from contracting the virus during this pandemic,” he said. (ai/Anjani/ITS Public Relation Officer)

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