ITS Campus, ITS News – Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) continues to be committed as a university that plays an active role in the development of science and technology as well as the application of environmentally sound lifestyles. This is evidenced by ITS success in achieving the fifth rank as the Most Sustainable University in Indonesia in the GreenMetric UI 2020 ranking.
Announced virtually, Monday (7/12), from 88 universities in Indonesia that participated in the ranking, ITS successfully perched in fifth place at the national level. It also ranks ITS 61st for international rankings involving 912 universities from 84 countries around the world.
GreenMetric UI itself is a world-class university ranking stretcher University of Indonesia (UI) that focuses on the commitment of campus environmental management. The assessment indicators in the GreenMetric 2020 UI are based on three pillars, namely the environment, economy, and social.
The GreenMetric UI then divides its three foundation pillars into six grading indicators that have different percentage points. The indicators are Structuring and Infrastructure (SI) with 15 percentage points, Energy and Climate Change (EC) with 21 percentage points, Water (WR) with 10 percentage points, and also Waste (WS), Transportation (TR) and Education and Research (ED) which both have 18 percentage points.
ITS managed to achieve a score of 950 in the Structuring and Infrastructure assessment indicator, a value of 1,425 in the climate change indicator, a value of 925 in the water indicator, a value of 1,425 in the waste indicator, a value of 1,350 in the transportation indicator, and a value of 1,800 in educational indicators. In total, ITS managed to achieve a final score of 7,875, up 325 points from 2019.
Responding to this rating, Susi Agustina Wilujeng ST MT as The Head of ITS Smart Eco Campus Development Unit said that she was proud and grateful for ITS achievements. Because, the realization of ITS as a campus that continuously meets the commitment of environmental management is inseparable from the commitment and vision of ITS mission as a smart eco campus.
Some programs that have been run by ITS to meet the commitment of smart eco campus itself include the evaluation and revitalization of its development master plan such as designing green building standards, green infrastructure design and drainage network improvement. “The socio-engineering program underlies changes in mindset and behavior of environmental care,” added Susi.
The lecturer of ITS Department of Environmental Engineering also said that the participation of all elements of the campus, including alumni and the community has a big part in maintaining its image as a smart eco campus. “It can be done some daily habits such as living a less-waste lifestyle, saving water, saving energy and using renewable energy options,” she noted.
(rys/Anjani/ITS Public Relationship Officer)
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