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December 21, 2020 10:12

ITS MWA Assigns New Members for the Period of 2021-2026

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source :
Prof Dr Ir Muhammad Nuh DEA, memimpin jalannya Rapat Pleno MWA ITS

Prof. Dr. Ir Muhammad Nuh DEA led the ITS MWA Plenary Meeting.

ITS Campus, ITS News –The tenure of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) Board of Trustees (MWA) for the 2016-2021 period will end soon. In connection with this, the ITS MWA held a plenary meeting of member elections for the 2021-2026 period, carried out hybrid (offline and online), and took place in the Senate Meeting Room, ITS Rectorate Building, Saturday (19/12) afternoon.

Prof. Dr. Ir Muhammad Nuh DEA, Chair of the ITS MWA for the 2016-2021 stewardship period, explained that his stewardship would soon end in January 2021. Therefore, this Plenary Meeting aims to select names proposed to become members of the ITS MWA for the next period.

“The process of selecting members of the ITS MWA is based on the ITS MWA Regulation Number 5 of 2016 and has passed the applicable processes and mechanisms,” said the former Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

Noah mentioned the process and mechanism, for example, at the stage of selecting prospective candidates. From the lecturer element, the department held a meeting to determine the two candidates for the most proposed members of the MWA. Then the department submits the discussion results by submitting the names of the two candidates to the ITS MWA Member Selection Committee.

Furthermore, Nuh explained that the composition of the ITS MWA consisted of six lecturers, four community representatives, one academic staff element, one student representative, and one alumni representative. There are also ex officio members, namely ministers and governors. “But today we discuss and elect non-ex officio members,” said Noah, who also chaired the Plenary Meeting.

Rapat Pleno MWA ITS yang juga dihadiri oleh Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kiri atas) dan beberapa anggota MWA lainnya secara virtual

The Plenary Meeting of ITS MWA, which was also attended by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (top left) and several other members of the MWA, virtually

The plenary meeting, which is based on deliberation to reach a consensus, also resulted in the names that came out and were elected as members of the ITS MWA for 2021-2026. The words chosen from the lecturer element include Prof. Ir Priyo Suprobo MS Ph.D., Dr. Ir Lily Pudjiastuti MSc, Dr. Ir Muhammad Nuh DEA, Prof Dr. Ir Tri Yogi Yuwono DEA, Prof. Ir Eko Budi Djatmiko MSc Ph.D., and Prof. Ir Nur Iriawan MIkom Ph.D.

Meanwhile, from the tendik elements selected was Edy Suprayitno SS MHum was the head of the ITS Library. From the student representative element, Ichsan Adhi Pradana, a student of the ITS Civil Engineering Department class 2017. Besides the alumni representative element, namely Dian Rahmawan, ITS Electrical Engineering alumnus who now serves as Director of Wholesome and International Service of PT Telkom Tbk.

Also elected were four people from the elements of community representatives, namely Budi Gunadi Sadikin (Deputy Minister of BUMN), Mas’ud Khamid (alumnus of Engineering Physics ITS who is now Director of PT Pertamina Niaga), Agus Purnomo (Director General of Sea Transportation Ministry of Transportation), and Dr. Ir Dwi Soetjipto (ITS Chemical Engineering alumnus who now serves as Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities).

Nuh disclosed it should be noted that this MWA is an institution that determines the strategic plans of a Legal Entity State Higher Education (PTN BH). It doesn’t stop there, and the MWA also functions in approving the Annual Work Plan and Budget (RKAT) in the non-academic field.

Also, the ITS Biomedical Engineering professor continued, MWA was also in charge of selecting, dismissing, and appointing the chancellor. “One of the duties of the MWA is to solve problems that cannot be resolved by the chancellor and the Academic Senate (SA),” he added. (ra/ris/ITS Public Relations)

Foto bersama anggota Majelis Wali Amanat ITS perioden2016 - 2021 seusai rapat di Ruang Sidang Senat ITS

Photo with members of the ITS Board of Trustees for the period 2016-2021 after a meeting in the ITS Senate Meeting Room

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