ITS News

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December 29, 2020 22:12

ITS Students Offer Easy Laundry with the Application

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online

The application display that offers features with various laundry facilities

ITS Campus, ITS News – Laundry or laundry services that are mushrooming nowadays make it easier for people to do other activities, including students who are busy on campus. For this reason, a team of students from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) created an application called, to make it easier for students who want to use laundry services without problems.

Team leader Muhammad Nauval Ibrahim revealed that this application was here to solve student problems regarding laundry needs. Because there are still many students who feel problematic about the absence of a definite time estimate, no pick-up service, guaranteed lost clothes, and guaranteed clean and fragrant laundry.

Solving problems for students in using laundry services in the campus area around Surabaya, but londri. also aims to embrace the laundry business so that it has a wider market base through the application. “Besides, it is also to empower MSMEs to provide laundry raw materials,” added the young man who is familiarly called Ibra.

Ibra explained that the an application is divided into two, namely, customers and partners. Benefits for customers include a shuttle system, where customers only specify a laundry pick-up point. Then the driver will pick up the laundry and deliver it back.

Apart from that, also offers a guarantee of lost clothes and clear quality estimates. Customers can choose various types of laundry services and make cashless payments through Londripay. “Customers also benefit from a reward system and accumulated points,” said the Department of Engineering and Industrial Systems student.

The team (from left) Muhammad Nauval Ibrahim, Muhammad Fajar Alfandi, Achmad Akmal Dyantama, Zaenal Makhmudi Isma’il and Arief Prasetyo

Not only analyzing market conditions for customers but the londri. The team also moved to hear input from laundry business people. Through the interviews conducted, laundry business people have the same problem: they only have a market base around their stalls.

Ibra explained that during the Covid-19 pandemic, many laundry business stalls experienced empty customers. “Through these problems, the the team is looking for strategies to be able to provide a broader market base for the laundry business,” he added.

Then was here to provide several benefits to partners by offering a new, wider customer base. This can be done by offering the same postage, which is only IDR 3,000 in the entire Surabaya area.

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) exists for this partner to regulate everything from washing, drying to ironing so that the laundry results’ quality can be controlled and can guarantee an accurate estimate. “Apart from that, also provides good quality and affordable raw materials,” said Ibra.

The application display that offers features with various laundry facilities

In making the an application, Ibra was assisted by four friends who are members of the PKM Entrepreneurship team. They are Achmad Akmal Dyantama, Muhammad Fajar Alfandi, Zaenal Makhmudi, and Arief Prasetyo. The team, which was directly guided by a lecturer named Diesta Iva Maftuhah ST MT, managed to bring home the 33rd PKM-K Pimnas gold medal in 2020.

In the midst of preparation, Ibra and the team did not stop to listen to customers’ voices and rely on reliable data. They also conduct evaluations and immediately correct deficiencies. “Thanks to all the hard work and enthusiasm, finally we were able to complete the an application and become the winner,” concluded Ibra. (naj / far / ITS Public Relations)

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