ITS Campus, ITS News – After four years in office, the time for the management of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Professors’ Council to regenerate has come. The result of the regeneration is, Prof. Dr. Ir Imam Robandi MT has been elected as Chairman and Prof. Dr. Ir Prabowo MEng as the Secretary of the ITS Professors Board for the period 2021-2025 through online elections, Friday (15/1) afternoon.
Ahead of the election, Prof. Dr. Ir Nadjadji Anwar MSc as the Chairman of the ITS Dewan Profesor (DP) or Professors’ Council for the 2017-2020 period explained the accountability for the results of the performance that had been carried out over the past 45 months.
In his explanation, Nadjadji said that the development journey of the ITS DP began with the ITS Senat Akademik (SA) or ITS Academic Senate regulation number 1 of 2017 concerning the formation of the Professors’ council on April 6, 2017, as the apparatus of ITS SA. “The Academic Senate itself was formed in line with the change of ITS to become the 11th PTN-BH (Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum),” he said.
Nadjadji continued that someone who has been appointed as a professor must support academic activities in each department within the faculty. Therefore, the ITS DP becomes a gathering forum of all professors at ITS, including professors who are retired to also be able to join the Professors’ Council.
In the previous management, Nadjadji together with Imam Robandi as the secretary were the first to hold the DP-ITS management. Starting from June 6, 2017, they have met all the requirements of the assignment as a Professor’s Council at ITS.
That Professor of Civil Engineering ITS said, to implement the vision and mission that had been formed, six important points were obtained that describe the work program tasks that must be fulfilled by members. There are Integrity, Strategic Issues, Science and Technology (IPTEK), Nationality, Academic Culture, and input to the Academic Senate.
At the point of integrity, a professional study has been carried out at ITS for the acceleration of professors, and the development of Human Resources with the Majelis Dewan Guru Besar (MDGB) PTN-BH or The Board of Professors’ Council of PTN-BH in Indonesia. “This is evidenced by the large number of ITS professors who contributed greatly to each of its programs,” said the MDGB leader of PTN-BH for the 2019-2020 period.
The implementation of science and technology-based webinars, the annual Professor Summit event featuring the innovative work of each PTN-BH professor illustrates that one of the DP-ITS task points has been fulfilled in the science and technology sector.
Nadjadji again said, in the academic culture of DP-ITS, it is an important tool for the inauguration and acceptance of professors as well as acceptance as DP-ITS members. This association also plays an important role in providing input to the Academic Senate, this is evidenced by the existence of the DP-ITS as a buffer on the professor’s presentation at the Academic Senate Professor Commission Meeting, as well as being an active participant in the ITS three organ coordination meetings. The active role of DP-ITS is also seen in the two professor organizations in Indonesia, namely the Association of Indonesian Professors (API) and the Forum for the Council of Indonesian Professors (FDGBI).
Not only focusing on the problem of the tri dharma of higher education, but DP-ITS also pays attention to national affairs. In this case, DP-ITS invited public figures to discuss in its discussions and the implementation of wayang kulit and wayang orang of the Board of Professors.
After the election, the Chair of the ITS Academic Senate, Prof. Dr. Syafsir Akhlus MSc, congratulated him and hoped that this momentum could be enhanced by the new management. Moreover, in addition to strengthening ITS, DP-ITS must increase its usefulness both to universities and to the Indonesian nation. “We have to apply what we have as well as the role of professors who are required to be responsible for their scientific authority,” said the man who is familiarly called Akhlus.
As the elected chairman, Imam Robandi hopes that his inauguration with Prabowo as the successor of the DP-ITS management will provide increased benefits from the previous management, continue to be prestigious, and improve its performance. Especially in terms of increasing ITS rankings in the upcoming National Student Scientific Week (Pimnas).
“It is hoped that later professors will step in to jointly create achievements and progress for ITS, and also be able to expand to develop Indonesia,” concluded Imam hopefully. (zar/nadh/ITS Public Relations)
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