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Thursday, January 09, 2025
January 16, 2021 20:01

ITS Starts Socializing 2021 New Student Entrance

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Acara Talkshow Sosialisasi SNMPTN, UTBK, SBMPTN dan Jalur Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru ITS 2021 yang diadakan secara daring

The Talkshow for SNMPTN, UTBK, SBMPTN Socialization, and ITS 2021 New Student Admissions Entrance that was held online

ITS Campus, ITS News – The period of admission for new students for universities in Indonesia has started. The school and prospective new students should know the information about the program and admission pathways. For this reason, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) began to socialize SNMPTN, UTBK, SBMPTN, and ITS 2021 New Student Admissions Pathways through an online talk show, Saturday (16/1).

ITS Education Director, Dr. Siti Machmudah ST MEng, lined up as a speaker, explained that in 2021 the admission path for new students at ITS was still the same as in previous years. Admission of new students can be through the SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and also the Partnership and Independent Selection (SKM). “At ITS,  we give a quota of 20 percent for SNMPTN, 30 percent for SBMPTN, and the rest is for SKM,” she said.

For SNMPTN, he continued, ITS will assess based on the school index that considers school accreditation, alumni who accepted by SNMPTN at state universities (PTN) in Indonesia, and alumni who accepted by SBMPTN at PTN in Indonesia. After that, students will be compared with other students at the school who register at ITS.

“This comparison is prioritized on report card scores, then supported by certificates that are included such as science olympiad championships, sports, scientific works, art, hafiz, and the student council president,” explained the woman who is often called Machmudah .

Furthermore, for the SBMPTN, the assessment is still the same as last year using the points from the Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK).

Direktur Pendidikan ITS Dr Siti Machmudah ST MEng menjadi pembicara pada talkshow sosialisasi penerimaan mahasiswa baru ITS 2021 yang dihelat secara daring

ITS Director of Education Dr. Siti Machmudah ST MEng became a speaker at the 2021 ITS 2021 new student admission socialization talk show that was held online.

Coordinator of Social and Higher Education Entrance Test Institution Promotion (LTMPT) 2021, Dr. Ismaini Zain MSi who also presented as a resource person said, this year, UTBK will be a little different. This year, UTBK material will consist of a Scholastic Potential Test (TPS) and an Academic Competency Test (TKA). “For the examination group, there will be Science, Soahum, and mix,” she said.

Besides, the ITS Statistics Department lecturer continued, this year, SBMPTN registration will be carried out directly after students register for UTBK. It’s different from 2019, where students can see the grades first, then register by themselves on the SBMPTN pathway.

As usual, this year’s UTBK will be carried out in two waves. Each batch will be held for seven days with each day consisting of two sessions. “The first wave will be held starting April 12 and the second wave starting April 26,” added Ismaini.

Koordinator Sosial dan Promosi LTMPT 2021 Dr Ismaini Zain MSi menjelaskan jalur penerimaan mahasiswa baru 2021

Coordinator for Social and Promotion of 2021 LTMPT Dr. Ismaini Zain MSi explained the pathway for admission of new students in 2021

After SNMPTN and SBMPTN, ITS also has a special pathway, namely SKM. This path can be followed for those who wish to continue their undergraduate, vocational education, and the International Undergraduate Program (IUP). SKM will require report cards, UTBK or TKA scores from ITS, and a collection of self-descriptions. “For the IUP and Joint Degree programs, prospective new students also need a certificate of English proficiency, and can include a certificate of achievement,” Machmudah explained.

This ITS Chemical Engineering Department lecturer also added that all study programs except IUP can be registered through the SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and SKM channels. The IUP program only can be registered through the IUP itself and also the SKM. This international program is only available in several departments at ITS.

At the event which was attended by prospective students and teachers from various schools in Indonesia, ITS Deputy Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT expected the enthusiasm of students in Indonesia to register at the ITS campus. As one of the best engineering campuses in Indonesia, ITS wants to get quality students. “With this event (talk show), hoped that the participants can get to know ITS further, and the desire to enter ITS will increase,” he concluded. (ri/far/ITS Public Relations)

Direktur Pendidikan ITS Dr Siti Machmudah ST MEng memaparkan jadwal dari penerimaan mahasiswa baru ITS pada tahun 2021

ITS Education Director Dr. Siti Machmudah ST MEng explained the schedule for ITS new student admissions in 2021

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