ITS Campus, ITS News – The Covid-19 pandemic, which has yet to end, forces teaching and learning activities to be changed to Distance Learning (PJJ). However, the inequality of internet network facilities and device technology is a major obstacle in itself. Seeing this, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (IKA ITS) Alumni Association was moved to raise donations and succeeded in handing over 530 devices equipped with internet SIM cards to schools in need, Monday (26/1).
According to Ir Sutopo Kristanto MM, Chairperson of IKA ITS, the donation collection movement entitled Gotong Royong to Support Distance Learning has started last October 2020. This fundraiser has collected 530 devices equipped with internet SIM cards for teaching and learning activities.
“IKA ITS also handed over 530 sets of school covid kits containing masks, hand sanitizers, and handwashing soap to support the implementation of health protocols by students and teachers,” said Sutopo.
He said the number of devices donated was still too far away compared to the amount needed. Even so, IKA ITS still ventured to work together to raise donations with enthusiasm to ease the burden on teachers and students during a pandemic. “At least we can start a small thing for a big leap and whatever amount of help we can provide, that is a symbol of our concern,” he said sincerely.
The donation has been handed over symbolically through the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) RI Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy MAP. The handover took place at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) in Jakarta, of course, this activity took place with due observance of health protocols. This event was attended by 40 officials from the Coordinating Ministry for PMK, ITS, IKA ITS, and school representatives, and was attended by virtually 160 participants from various regions.
On that occasion, Muhadjir immediately provided gadget donations to school representatives who were present. This assistance was distributed to seven elementary schools (SD), one private special school (SLB), and one private vocational high school (SMK) spread across several regions, including Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java. In this case, the World Conscience Foundation helps in identifying schools that need devices, especially in rural areas.
Through this event, Muhadjir expressed his appreciation to ITS IKA for raising device donations. Even though it has not solved all the problems, this donation from IKA ITS is expected to help some students and teachers in continuing quality learning and can take advantage of the advancement of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Science and Technology. “Don’t let this pandemic also leave our future generations behind in their education,” he said.
Furthermore, Muhadjir also hopes that this IKA ITS initiative can be a good example and be followed by other parties. Not to forget, he also advised us not to be careless and to keep strict health protocols. “Stopping this pandemic requires commitment from all of us, namely by preventing ourselves from contracting and preventing ourselves from infecting others,” he said.
Not to forget, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng also attended virtually and delivered his speech. He said that IKA ITS has a strong commitment and concern to support online learning due to the pandemic.
“This is a concrete step for IKA ITS to help solve the main obstacles in the current online learning system,” he said. Ashari also added, ITS and alumni will continue to innovate and contribute to the prosperity of society and the independence of the nation.
Besides, the Chairman of the World Conscience Foundation, Dr. Imam B Prasodjo, stated that he appreciated the IKA ITS initiative in this caring action. He conveyed that every time Indonesia faced a difficult situation due to various disasters, all elements of society intervened together. That is why Indonesia has always succeeded in overcoming difficult times. “The IKA ITS movement is a form of concern that has always been the spirit of the life of the Indonesian nation. This is a social capital that we must have, grow and strengthen at any time,” he said.
At the end of the interview, Sutopo expressed his gratitude to all parties who have made this activity a success. He also advised IKA ITS to seriously comply with health protocols and be a role model. “Let us increase our solidarity, there are still many out there who need our helping hand, so that Indonesia will welcome a better future after this pandemic era,” he concluded. (meg/ris/ITS Public Relations)
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