ITS News

Thursday, January 16, 2025
January 29, 2021 21:01

ITS Team Participates in Handling Landslides on Surabaya-Gempol Highway

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Koordinator Lab Mekanika Tanah dan Batuan Departemen Teknik Sipil ITS Gani ST MT (tengah rompi biru) ketika memaparkan rekomendasi penanganan kepada Dirjen Bina Marga PUPR

Coordinator of the Soil and Rock Mechanics Lab of the Department of Civil Engineering ITS Gani ST MT (middle, in blue vest) when presenting handling recommendations to the Director-General of Highways of PUPR

ITS Campus, ITS News – As one of the best engineering campuses in Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to participate in handling problems in society. As is currently the case in overcoming landslide incidents with Jasa Marga and the Directorate General (Dirjen) of Bina Marga Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) which occurred on the Surabaya-Gempol toll road at kilometer 6 + 200.

ITS Civil Engineering Department Soil and Rock Mechanics Laboratory Coordinator, Gani ST MT, explained that the incident that occurred last Monday (25/1) began with a landslide on the Surabaya-Gempol toll road. This landslide at kilometer 6 + 200 caused road damage and resulted in the road having to be closed and temporarily diverted. “Besides that, after I went directly to the field, it turned out that the cracks were puddles,” he said.

Keadaan ruas Jalan Tol Surabaya-Gempol yang mengalami longsor pada hari pertama

The condition of the Surabaya-Gempol Highway in which landslide occurred on the first day

Through recommendations for handling from the ITS team, water in the cracks was eventually diverted and channeled to the nearest water channel. To prevent another landslide from occurring, it is advisable to carry out cleaning and transportation of landslide materials. “We suggest cutting the remaining landslide material,” said Gani.

Furthermore, the ITS team recommended conducting a sonder test in the area where the landslide occurred. This sonder test is carried out to find out how hard or soft the soil is in the area. Based on the results of the sonder test conducted, it was found that at a depth of five meters from the original soil surface, there was hard soil. “The test results show that the pile is in a safe condition,” said the man from Mojokerto.

Kondisi hari kedua dilakukan pemotongan bagian longsoran untuk mengurangi beban guna mencegah terjadinya longsor kembali

On the second day, the landslide debris was cut to reduce loads and prevent another to occur

Gani also said that for traffic to run smoothly, a temporary barrier was made in the part of the road that was damaged by landslides. Temporary restraints are provided in the form of sheet pile installation, as well as backfill in the area around the asphalt. This barrier is made to maintain slope stability so that it is safe for heavy vehicles to pass.

For the smooth operation and safety of road users, lanes are distributed on damaged toll roads. In lane two, only class one vehicles are allowed, such as passenger vehicles like sedans, jeeps, and small trucks. Meanwhile, vehicles above class one, such as two-axle trucks or more, will be specialized to use three lanes.

The man who was born in 1965 revealed that the road repair work process is expected to take nine days. This estimate is if during the repair process there are no obstacles that occur. “It is hoped that all the work processes and road repairs will run smoothly so that the toll road can be traversed safely and smoothly,” he concluded. (ri/ris/ITS Public Relations)

Penanganan sementara yang dilakukan dengan pengurukan tanah dan pemasangan sheet pile

Temporary handling is done by backfill and sheet pile installation

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