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February 07, 2021 22:02

Introducing ITS to Highschool Students through the Series of Ini Lho ITS! 2021 Event

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng saat memberikan sambutan pada acara Open Campus Ini Lho ITS 2021

ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng gives  a speech at this Open Campus event, Ini Lho ITS! 2021

ITS Campus, ITS News – The annual event which was held as a form of introduction to college life on Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) for SMA/SMK students and the equivalent was held again. The open campus event titled Ini Lho ITS! (ILITS) 2021 provides its own unique experience, because the participants are invited to virtually explore the information held by each department.

Not only an introduction to college life, but participants were also given information about science, job prospects, and various achievements in each department in ITS. The open campus event with the theme Ruang Mimpi is held in three days, starting on Sunday (7/2), Saturday (13/2), and Sunday (14/2). On each day this event is divided according to the faculty and into several sessions.

In his opening remarks, ITS Rektor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng said, the ILITS 2021 Open Campus is suitable to be used as a destination for channeling dreams for high school / vocational high school students who want to continue their studies through this Hero campus. “Moreover, ITS will also wait for the younger generations who will move together to contribute and work to build the nation,” he said.

This was also agreed by the Dean of the ITS Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (FTIRS) Dr.Wawan Aries Widodo ST MT. As a filler for the first introductory material, he explained that the works produced by ITS were also produced by departmental students in FTIRS. “Apart from that, the departments within this faculty have also pocketed international accreditation and certification,” said the lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, proudly.

Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Industri dan Rekayasa Sistem (FTIRS) ITS Dr Wawan Aries Widodo ST MT saat mengisi materi pengenalan fakultas yang dipimpinnya

Dean of the ITS Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (FTIRS) Dr.Wawan Aries Widodo ST MT when filling out the introductory material for the faculty he leads

As a campus that often contributes works and achievements in the field of technology, ITS is also accompanied by its strength in building the maritime sector in Indonesia. Through the Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK), ITS has also produced many innovations and problem-solving that can be resolved through its scientific clumps.

As the dean, Dr. Eng Trika Pitana ST MSc said through his presentation that currently, many problems in Indonesia are still closely related to the maritime world, ranging from the economy, infrastructure challenges to geography, demography, and so on.

Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Kelautan (FTK) ITS Dr Eng Trika Pitana ST MSc saat memberikan materi pengenalan fakultasnya

Dean of the Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK) ITS Dr. Eng Trika Pitana ST MSc while giving introduction material to his faculty

This lecturer at the Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering Department continued, with the fields and study programs in FTK, SMA / SMK students at the same level can review and answer the existing maritime challenges. “It is also hoped that many young people will contribute and find their passion in the marine sector,” he said.

It is different from the two previous fields which are industry and maritime-based, in the afternoon session there is the Creative Design and Digital Business Faculty (FDKBD), providing insights with two different aspects, namely business and design. Dean of the FDKBD Imam Baihaqi ST MSc Ph.D. described, if, in the world of industry and business, design begins.

Dekan Fakultas Desain Kreatif dan Bisnis Digital (FDKBD) ITS Imam Baihaqi ST MSc PhD saat memaparkan materi tentang pengenalan fakultasnya pada acara Open Campus Ini Lho ITS 2021

Dean of the ITS Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (FDKBD) Imam Baihaqi ST MSc Ph.D. when presenting material about the introduction of his faculty at this Open Campus event, Ini Lho ITS 2021

Starting from planning product design, visualizing a product to be promoted, and how manage the production of the product so that it can be mass-marketed. “All of this starts with creativity, then innovations will be formed and come up with new ideas that will all be obtained if you join the departments in the FDKBD,” said the former lecturer at Monash University Sunway Campus School of Business.

The Head Officer of ILITS 2021 Auliansyah Rizki Teknikade fully hopes for the enthusiasm of students who want to continue their studies, especially at ITS, “Hopefully this will later have an impact on the usefulness and provision of lecture and professional knowledge for all high school students,” said the familiar student. called Rizki is full of hope. (zar/nadh/ITS Public Relations)

Ketua pelaksana Ini Lho ITS! 2021, Auliansyah Rizki Teknikade saat memberikan sambutan acara Open Campus ILITS 2021 secara virtual

The Head Officer of Ini Lho ITS! 2021, Auliansyah Rizki Teknikade gives the opening speech of the Open Campus event, ILITS 2021 virtually

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