ITS News

Saturday, January 25, 2025
February 09, 2021 20:02

ITS Synergizes to Target Shining Achievements in 2025

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng ketika menyampaikan pidato menguraikan strategi umum dan sistem pengelolaan unit

ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng shows his speech on the explanation of the general strategic plan and unit management system

ITS Campus, ITS News – Welcoming the new work program in 2021, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again held a Leadership meeting or Rapat Kerja (Raker) for two days in virtual succession, starting Tuesday (9/2). Not only discussing the ITS targets and Strategic Plan or Rencana Strategis(Renstra) for 2020-2025, this Raker was also accompanied by a School of Leadership.

ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng opened the agenda by giving a speech at the beginning of the year describing the general strategy and unit management system based on the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. “This strategic plan was prepared by three organs, namely representatives of the Board of Trustees or Majelis Wali Amanat (MWA), representatives of the Academic Senate or Senat Akademik (SA), and representatives of the rector,” explained the rector who is familiarly called Ashari.

Ashari admitted the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of last year created the new problems that happened because of it. Starting from economic problems, the lecture system, to the obituary of the passing of several lecturers and educational staff or Tenaga Pendidik (Tendik) in ITS.

Even in the midst of a pandemic, on the other hand, Ashari also mentioned some of ITS ‘achievements in the past year. ITS as campus-based technology to develop technologies to help people affected by the pandemic. Some of the technologies and efforts developed by ITS for the pandemic are the manufacture of hand sanitizers and face shield, robot RAISA, ventilator, to the most-Anyar or the newest, the innovative Covid-19 detection kit, i-nose c-19

ITS also continues to develop other innovations, especially in the autonomous field, such as the i-Car and i-Boat which were launched last year. Not to forget also a series of achievements that are the contribution of all elements in ITS starting from students, lecturers, to courses on a national and international scale.

“Thank you, because in this pandemic condition we can still act and contribute to the country and the community. Hopefully, this condition will end soon and return to normal,” said the Rector who is also ITS Professor of Electrical Engineering.

Sebagian para pimpinan ITS yang hadir mengikuti Raker dan Sekolah Kepemimpinan ITS 2021 secara virtual

Some of the ITS officials that attended the 2021 Sekolah Kepemimpinan ITS virtually

Moreover, Ashari explained the framework of the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. “ITS has three resources. Namely great people and great system, but both are not enough, so networking on all fronts is also needed, “said the lecturer who completed his doctoral education at Curtin University, Australia.

Departing from these three components, an ID 4.0 Strategy called Ashari was prepared to consist of internal improvements, innovation development, internationalization, and digital transformation as the basis. The existence of resources and strategies needs to be complemented by a commitment. Therefore, ITS has three commitments that focus on excellent service, superior output, and good reputation.

These three keywords that Ashari predicted could bring ITS to achieve its mission in terms of education, research, and community service. “If we have contributed to the national level, have created superior human resources, and have increased the people’s prosperity, we will automatically achieve the reputation of World Class University,” he said optimistically.

Dr Ir Alex Denni menyampaikan materi penggerak mengenai pembangunan SDM dan peluang kerja sama dengan BUMN pada Sekolah Kepemimpinan ITS

Dr. Ir Alex Denni delivers moving material regarding HR development and opportunities for cooperation with BUMN at the Sekolah Kepemimpinan ITS

Furthermore, Ashari explained ITS statistical data such as the number of lecturers, students, and the number of study programs (Prodi). Compared to other large State Universities (PTN) in Indonesia, ITS only has 21,800 students and 1,040 lecturers including small universities.

This raises several challenges including difficulties in quantity-based assessments, small contributions to the national level due to the small gross enrollment rate (GER). As well as operational sustainability can be disrupted if human resources, especially civil servants and APBN funds decrease.

Responding to these challenges, ITS still has the responsibility to complete the readiness of facilities and infrastructure for young (new) study programs and complete the construction of the Science Tower (Tower1), Tower 2 in the Electics campus area, and Tower 3 in the Vocational campus area. No exception with human resources that need to be prepared to face the trend of increasing the number of lecturers, students, and staff in 2025.

Even in terms of the number of international publications, ITS is targeting 2,500 publications each year to reach 23,000 publications in 2025. A similar spirit was echoed by the ITS Rector for the number of citations. These two things are important to boost ITS position in the ranking or ranking of world-class universities.

“Then don’t lose but don’t complain either. We need to work hard for the time being because of our unfavorable position, ”said Ashari, reminding the leaders who attended the meeting.

After the speech by the ITS Rector, the agenda for the first day was continued by the School of Leadership which carried two materials by presenting speakers Dr. Ir Alex Denni MM, Deputy for Resources, Technology and Information of the Ministry of BUMN, and Dr. M Nafik Hadi Ryandono SE MSi from Airlangga University.

Materi penggerak kedua mengenai tata kelola usaha dan hilirisasi yang disampaikan Dr M Nafik Hadi Ryandono dari Universitas Airlangga

The second moving material on business governance and downstream was delivered by Dr. M Nafik Hadi Ryandono from Airlangga University

Apart from that, the vice-rectors also presented work programs for each field. Meanwhile, the Plenary Session of the Work Meeting and signing of the performance contract will be held on the second day. (ra/nadh/ITS Public Relations)

Penyerahan suvenir buku 60 Tahun ITS Mengabdi untuk Negeri dari Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD (bawah) kepada Dr M Nafik Hadi Ryandono usai penyampaian materi kedua Sekolah Kepemimpinan

The handover of souvenir books of 60 Years of ITS Service to the country from Vice Rector IV Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD (below) to Dr. M Nafik Hadi Ryandono after delivering the second material for the School of Leadership or Sekolah Kepemimpinan


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