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February 15, 2021 16:02

ITS Achieves SINTA-3 Accreditation Ranking for Civil Engineering Application Journal

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Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil (JATS) ITS yang berhasil naik meraih peringkat akreditasi SINTA-3

Journal of Civil Engineering Application (JATS) ITS, which managed to rise to the SINTA-3 accreditation ranking

ITS Campus, ITS News – Another brilliant achievement was made by the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). This time, this proud achievement was contributed by the Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department (DTIS), which managed to get a SINTA-3 rating for the Civil Engineering Application Journal (JATS).

The Head of the ITS Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department, Mohamad Khoiri, S.T, M.T, Ph.D. explained, JATS contains applications in the civil engineering fields such as structures, geotechnics, construction management, hydrology, transportation, and civil engineering informatics. This application is about the affairs of building a building project and modeling forms with the help of software. “So JATS focuses on the publication of applications from the field of civil engineering,” he explained.

The lecturer, who is often called Khoiri, said that the journal he co-founded with Dr. Ir. Machsus, S.T, M.T, and Ir. Tatas, S.T, M.T, was first published in 2006 as a printed journal. In its development, JATS has regularly published two editions or twice a year every February and August. “Now JATS has become an electronic journal (e-journal),” he explained

Agreed with Khoiri, Dr. Ir. Machsus S.T, M.T continued, through this journal, ITS DTIS managed to increase its ranking. Namely, initially achieved SINTA-4 rank, now has risen to SINTA-3 position. “This is an achievement for our department (DTIS, red),” he said proudly.

Kepala Departemen Teknik Infrastruktur Sipil ITS, Mohamad Khoiri ST MT PhD

Head of the ITS Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department, Mohamad Khoiri S.T, M.T, Ph.D

Machsus said that this ranking change was obtained after the journal re-accreditation process. The results of the re-accreditation were determined through the Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (Ristek / BRIN) RI Number 200 / M / KPT / 2020 concerning the Scientific Journal Accreditation Ranking Period III of 2000. “The notification was delivered in December 2020 and only accepted in January 2021,” he said.

The lecturer, who is also the Senior Manager of the Access to Capital and Alumni, continued, the assessment was based on certain aspects. Among them are the naming of scientific journals, publishing institutions, journal editing and management, article substance, writing style, appearance, scale, and dissemination. “Knowing this, we try to give our best in every aspect of the assessment,” he added.

Machsus said that in achieving this ranking, DTIS compiled a team of editors from DTIS lecturers themselves, a team of reviewers from ITS lecturers internally with bestari partners from various universities, and several researchers involved in the field of civil engineering, and writers from multiple different backgrounds. “Because a good journal is characterized by a background from writers, reviewers, to a team of editors who come from various agencies or communities,” he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Water Construction Engineering Technology Study Program (TRKBA,) Siti Kamilia Aziz S.T M.T, hopes that the journal he also manages will always experience improvement. The most significant increase that is expected is to be able to occupy the position of SINTA-1. “We hope that JATS will continue to rise to the top rank of SINTA-1,” he concluded hopefully. (ris/ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Nadila Wulan Cahyani

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