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February 18, 2021 19:02

ITS Spreads Global Insights through CommTECH Online Spring Edition

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Sesi diskusi dalam CommTECH Online Spring Edition bersama Direktur Kemitraan Global ITS Assoc Prof Maria Anityasari (kiri)

Discussion session in CommTECH Online Spring Edition with ITS Assoc Global Partnership Director, Prof. Maria Anityasari (left)

ITS Campus, ITS News – Opening opportunities for students, academics, and professionals from around the world to expand their insights on global issues, Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) through the Directorate of Global Partnerships (DKG) re-titled Community and Technological (CommTECH) Online 2021 Spring Edition which will take place for two stages on February 15-26 and March 1-12.

Program Manager CommTECH Muh Wahyu Islami P.M., S.T explained, this annual activity that has been taking place since 2012 is also a forum to improve its reputation and excellence in the field of technology in the international arena. “This is the 16th time ITS has implemented the CommTech program,” he said.

Successfully attracting 67 participants from the Philippines, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey, and Vietnam consisting of students and lecturers, CommTECH Online Spring Edition will hold two sessions of activities that will last for 11 days.

Carrying the theme of Solving Local Problems with Global Knowledge, CommTECH Online 2021 Spring Edition provides an experience for participants to learn, discuss, and share ideas to solve the problems in Indonesia and problems the country of origin of each participant.

Program Manager CommTECH Muh Wahyu Islami P.M., S.T, memaparkan gambaran program CommTECH Online 2021 Spring Edition kepada para peserta secara virtual

Program Manager CommTECH Muh Wahyu Islami P.M., S.T, explains depicting the CommTECH Online 2021 Spring Edition program to participants virtually.

To facilitate this, CommTECH provides four material options divided into two sessions. The first session, which took place on February 15, included a submitter titled Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart City Applications during the Pandemic and a submitter of Sustainability Infrastructure in Developing Countries.

The second session that will take place starting next March will contain a sub-material titled Social Entrepreneurship in Action and a sub-material User Design Experience for a Hybrid Learning. “All activities will still be carried out online given the ongoing pandemic situation,” said the man who is familiarly called Wahyu reminded.

In addition to material education, the participants will also participate in various interactive activities outside of academic activities such as virtual campus tours, virtual city tours, learning traditional Indonesian dance, the introduction of martial arts silat, Indonesian food, and also batik. Of course, everything is implemented virtually.

Sesi materi CommTECH berjudul Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart City Applications during the Pandemic yang dibawakan Astria Nur Irfansyah PhD

CommTECH material session titled Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart City Applications during the Pandemic presented by Astria Nur Irfansyah Ph.D

Carrying a slightly different experience from last year because it took place online, the implementation of CommTECH this year still maintains project engagement sessions and community engagements that contain discussion sessions with the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). “For example, shopping and sharing with MSMEs from Merr shopping center Surabaya,” added Wahyu.

Through this program, employees from Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi hope, ITS can still ignite internationalization spirit while establishing good relations with other universities worldwide, even during the pandemic. “Hopefully, this program can also have a positive impact on ITS, Surabaya, and Indonesia,” he concluded. (pan/ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)

Para peserta CommTECH yang berasal dari berbagai belahan dunia tergabung secara virtual

CommTECH participants from different parts of the world are virtually joined.

Reporter: Raisa Zahra Fadila

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