ITS Campus, ITS News – Indonesia has cultural and indigenous diversity spread from Sabang to Merauke. To realize Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in education, the Consortium of State Universities – Legal Entities (PTN-BH) entrusted the Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to build Sasrabahu, a student exchange platform between PTN-BH throughout Indonesia that was launching online, Friday (19/2).
When launching, Director General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc, D.I.C, Ph.D. stated, currently the number of Indonesian students who exchange students abroad is far more than in the country. Through Sasrabahu, can build a network of brotherhood both lecturers and students in improving the quality of education, research, and community service.
Referencing the education system in Europe, Nizam revealed that students there are required to participate in cross-country exchanges. It will be built by Indonesia in the future. “Appreciation and thanks to ITS who have prepared this Sasrabahu well,” he said appreciated.
Meanwhile, ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari M.Eng explained that Sasrabahu stands for Student Exchange System between State Universities of Legal Entities. Sasrabahu platform was created to make it easier to take courses at fellow PTN-BH campuses for students.
Students can choose the courses that available on the Sasrabahu platform, same as taking a Study Plan Card (KRS) in general. He said that this system is designed as easily as possible for both students and academic administrators at each college. “So, the data like student information and grades can be integrated well,” explained the rector familiarly called Ashari.
The professor of Electrical Engineering also stated that Sasrabahu realizes the Independent Campus (Kampus Merdeka) program launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. “Students will have a broad insight and can share knowledge and practicum that gives a much better effect,” he said.
To date, 12 PTN-BH in Indonesia has been participating in the Sasrabahu Program. According to Ashari, Sasrabahu is still in the first step and will be developed until all state universities (PTN) in Indonesia. “It can expand to state and private universities in Indonesia, which amounts to 4,700,” he said optimistically.
In his virtual presentation, Head of Academic Development Subdirectory of ITS Bagus Jati Santoso S.Kom, Ph.D., stated that the Sasrabahu system is designed with user experience like shopping online in the marketplace. So that Students are allowed to take courses at other universities that are later formulated and agreed to with a full credit transfer scheme by each college administrator.
Regarding the Sasrabahu process, Bagus who is part of the application development team, explains the flow. First, students create an account on the page, which will then be approved by the local admin of the original PTN-BH. After the local admin of PTN-BH originally entered the course offered, students can choose the study program and upload a letter of approval from the guardian lecturer.
The local PTN-BH admin will do approval to take outbound student courses. Meanwhile, the admin of the destination PTN-BH will approve the admission of inbound students. Only after the Sasrabahu acceptance is announced, students can carry out lectures at the campus of their choice,” he explained.
The implementation of lectures adjusted to the existing conditions, which currently still have to be carried out online. After the lecture period is completed at each PTN-BH, each local admin will enter the grades of students studying on their campus. “Finally, the admin of the origin PTN-BH will receive a report on the scores of their outbound students,” he said.
Since the first two weeks Sasrabahu was opened, Bagus said that there were 518 courses offered and 488 students had registered. The course taking has also been counted as many as 605 times In addition, there have been registered as many as four central admins at ITS and 21 local admins of PTN-BH. (Sel/ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Sofyan Abidin
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