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March 05, 2021 15:03

Collaboration between ITS and The Ministry of Communication and Information Towards The Industrial Revolution 4.0

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Kepala Badan Litbang SDM Kemenkominfo RI Hary Budiarto, dalam rapat koordinasi bersama ITS

Head of the RI Research and Development Agency for Human Resources, Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), Hary Budiarto, in a coordination meeting with ITS

ITS Campus , ITS News – To improve the skills and competitiveness of human resources (HR) in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) collaborated with the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) to form programs and training to welcome the 4.0 industrial revolution. This was conveyed in a coordination meeting held in hybrid (online and offline) in the ITS Rectorate Building Leadership Meeting Room, Thursday (4/3) afternoon.

The head of the Research and Development Agency for Human Resources of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Hary Budiarto, introduced one of the training they have, namely the Fresh Graduate Academy (FGA). This training is intended for new graduates at various universities in Indonesia. In addition to providing certification for recent graduates to enter the world of work, the Ministry of Communication and Information also collaborates with global companies such as Microsoft in training.

Apart from FGA, added Hary, a Thematic Academy targets specific communities such as immigrants and people with disabilities in solving ICT-based problems. As for the State Civil Service (ASN), there is digital-based leadership and managerial training. “So that government workers have a more open insight into technology in the fields in which they work,” said Hary further.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng hadir secara daring menyampaikan sambutan pada rapat koordinasi bersama Kemenkominfo

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari M.Eng. was present online to deliver a speech at the coordination meeting with the Ministry of Communication and Information.

This year, ITS collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Information continues and expands. In the form of training provided to the community, one of them will be more extensive and varied. This is a tangible manifestation of ITS and the Ministry of Communication and Information in fulfilling the Indonesian workforce’s needs for skills in the ICT field, which continue to increase every year. This is important because the unemployment rate in East Java Province has increased due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to ITS Deputy Chancellor I for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Adi Soeprijanto MT, the Ministry of Communication and Information’s training program, is expected to be in line with the Ministry of Education and Culture’s (Kemendikbud) policy of Merdeka Learning for the Independent Campus (MBKM). “So that not only certain people, alumni, and ASN can participate in this training, but also active students,” said this professor of Electrical Engineering ITS.

Adi explained the synchronization of the Ministry of Communication and Information’s training with the MBKM policy could be in the form of a Real Work Lecture (KKN). Namely by providing digital skills for the community and creating innovations based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence in realizing a Smart City. Besides, this program also provides soft skills and hard skills training scholarships for outstanding students in academic and non-academic fields.

Penyerahan cinderamata oleh Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD (kiri) kepada Kepala Badan Litbang SDM Kemenkominfo RI Hary Budiarto usai rapat koordinasi

Handover of souvenirs by ITS Deputy Chancellor IV Bambang Pramujati S.T., M.Sc.Eng Ph.D. (left) to the Head of the RI Ministry of Communication and Information Research and Development Agency, Hary Budiarto, after the coordination meeting.

Meanwhile, ITS also plans to propose several proposals to make this cooperation successful. Especially in funding S2 scholarships for government workers and the Ministry of Communication and Information, ITS curriculum collaboration with other campuses, and thematic KKN for students and lecturers.

Foto bersama jajaran Kemenkominfo dan ITS dalam rapat koordinasi di Gedung Rektorat ITS

Photo with the ranks of the Ministry of Communication and Information and ITS in a coordination meeting at the ITS Rectorate Building

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari M.Eng is optimistic that with the quality of lecturers at the Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent Information Technology (FTEIC) ITS tested and compatible, the Ministry of Communication and Information’s training program can be a success this year even better.

He hopes that the collaboration between ITS and the Ministry of Communication and Information in preparing Indonesian human resources for the era of industrial revolution 4.0 can continue. “ITS is ready for the success of this program and hopes that this program can continue, expand, and benefit all Indonesian people,” concluded the professor of Electrical Engineering with great hope. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: ion22

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