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April 09, 2021 18:04

Getting to know Komang, ITS Best Graduate with a GPA of 3.93

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Komang Yogananda Mahaputra Wisna, wisudawan terbaik program sarjana dari Departemen Teknik Informatika pada Wisuda ke-123 ITS

Komang Yogananda Mahaputra Wisna, the best graduate of the undergraduate program from the Informatics Engineering Department at ITS 123rd Graduation

ITS Campus, ITS News – In the 123rd Graduation Ceremony of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) which was held online, Saturday (10/4) tomorrow. The figure of Komang Yogananda Mahaputra Wisna deserves to be in the spotlight. The student of the Informatics Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent Informatics Technology, was named the best graduate from the undergraduate level (S1) because he successfully graduated with an almost perfect Grade Point Average (GPA), which is 3.93.

Interestingly, the achievements made by Komang were successfully obtained in a fairly short time, namely in only seven semesters or 3.5 years of college. Not only that, this young man from Bali has made many achievements at this hero campus since he was a new student.

In his first year, this graduate who was born in Tangerang, February 24, 1999, admitted that he joined a team to participate in a competitive programming competition. From there, his interest in programming emerged. Until several times he participated in competitions at the national level in the Asian region. “Apart from competing, I am also actively participating in internships, academics, and boot camps regarding this field,” added the youngest of three siblings. 

The competitions Komang has participated in include ACM ICPC Asia Regional Jakarta in 2017 and 2018, ICPC Maranatha & Vocomfest Provincial Programming Contest 2018, and Compfest Software Engineering Academy 2020 which won him the Best Team award. “Even though in several competitions I only managed to become a finalist, I had the opportunity to visit the start-up office and meet great figures,” he said. 

Komang Yogananda Mahaputra Wisna (kanan), saat menjadi finalis ACM ICPC Asia Regional Jakarta 2018

Komang Yogananda Mahaputra Wisna (right), as a finalist for the 2018 ACM ICPC Asia Regional Jakarta

This former staff of the ITS Computer-Informatics Engineering Student Association (HMTC) admitted that he never thought of getting the best graduate title. The motivation that he always held tightly during lectures was always thirsting and hungry for knowledge and trying to give his best. “I feel that not everyone has the opportunity to carry out knowledge in college. For that, my job here is to be grateful and make the most of it, ”said the son of the couple Gde Wisnaya Wisna and Ni Ketut Subaktiasih.

Although he is active in various competitions and organizations, Komang has never put aside his main goal as a student. For this reason, in every semester Komang always gives his best efforts to maintain his GPA. “For me, the GPA is very important and useful as an indicator of the business I spend in a semester,” he said.

For Komang, the achievement is not only about academics but can be in other fields. According to him, being an accomplished figure is one of the positive things that can provide invaluable knowledge and experience. “Behind it all, I feel there are many parties who help. Of course, my colleagues, family, lecturers, and departmental educators, “he added.

This Informatics Engineering programming laboratory administrator also said that academic and non-academic activities must be harmonious so that these two things can run optimally. The reason is, by harmonizing the two, he feels he has had the moment to train his ability in multitasking and determine priority activities. 

In the future, Komang targets to be able to work in the world’s top technology companies in Silicon Valley and have their own technology companies, so that they can spread benefits to the wider community. “For other fellow students, find a field that you want to work on. Stay thirsty and hungry for knowledge, look for an environment and colleagues who can support your individual positively, “he said. (pan/ITS Public Relations) 


Reporter: Erchi Ad’ha Loyensya

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