Kampus ITS, ITS News – Reviewing the good relations with France, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) will renew its cooperation. With a delegation from the French Embassy (Embassy) of France to Indonesia, a discussion and renewal of the partnership were held at the Senate Meeting Room, ITS Rectorate Building, Monday (26/4).
The French delegation was represented by French Education and Cultural Cooperation Counselor Stephane Dovert, Cooperation Attache for French Philippe Grange, Director of Institut Francais d`Indonesie (IFI) Surabaya Benoit Bavouset, representative of University Cooperation Attache Annisa Fauziah, National Coordinator of Campus France Indonesia Sylvain Lelong – Lacroix, Responsible Teacher IFI Surabaya Rosa Karenina, and Responsible Campus France Surabaya Indri Novita Sari.
ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari M.Eng., Welcomed the visit of the French Embassy delegation. The reason is, considering some time ago, one of the ITS lecturers, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ria Asih Aryani M.Eng., Recently received the Chevalier dans L’Ardre des Palmes Academiques award given by the French Ambassador.
He explained that it was an honor to be able to continue working with the French side. In addition to supporting and realizing the government’s Merdeka Learning Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program, ITS now begins its path by cooperating with a delegation from the French Embassy. “This relationship has been established before, which is related to student mobility, academic visits, management meetings, and many more,” explained the Chancellor, who is usually called Ashari.
Ashari continued, this extended collaboration is the implementation of several Indonesian government programs such as the Indonesian International Students Mobility Awards (IISMA), scholarships. and student exchange Fastrack and double degree. “Also yesterday, the agreement was made in the form of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to participate in the collaboration of the French + Sciences competition,” he said.
This was also well received by Stephane Dovert, who explained that the sustainability of the relationship with ITS should be continued. Because usually there are about 8-10 students and lecturers who are sent each year to France. “This also can be added; we must continue to be more advanced in developing this cooperation,” said Stephane.
With the MBKM program, which must also be successful, he thinks students must work outside their campus. “I am very sorry because, in the past, students did not attend programs that were outside the campus,” regretted Stephane.
This new collaboration, according to Stephane, can be started by making various proposals for ITS so that it can send students to France to study. For example, if in Indonesia, S1 takes four years, in France, S1 only takes three years.
So if this program is running, students for three semesters starting from the third year will move to France, six months to study French, and one year to look for an S1 degree in France. “After returning to Indonesia to graduate. They get two titles at once, from France and Indonesia, “he explained.
Stephane also shared other advantages. After graduating, students will quickly choose to continue their master’s degree in France or continue at other European universities. “Apart from mastering various languages, it is also supported by the existing system, if after having studied in Europe it will be easy to continue to other universities there (Europe, red),” he said again.
As a representative of the French Embassy delegation, Stephane is also very interested in ITS specialization in technology. He thinks that technology is a significant part of the future. Plus, now humans are faced with very complex problems. “Especially various environmental problems, which is very fitting at this time ITS is also very focused on maritime and environmental fields,” he said.
He said he was pleased to get students from ITS to study in France, which is open to international students, including Indonesia. “We have many prospects. We at the embassy are responsible for generations to come. In the future, there will be more relationships that we will establish with ITS, “he confirmed. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Fatima Az Zahra
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