ITS Campus, ITS News – As one of the best universities in Indonesia, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) was trusted to work with the Central Information Commission (KIP). Taking place online, a meeting was held between ITS and KIP to discuss the agreed memorandum of understanding (MoU), Friday (30/4).
Based on the drafts being distributed, this MoU is intended to meet needs and obtain mutually beneficial benefits between the parties concerned. Also involving nine other state universities (PTN) in Indonesia, this MoU will focus on a scope that includes education, research, study, and community service.
At the beginning of the discussion, the main objective of the involvement of all parties in this MoU was to utilize all available resources. This is done to support the achievement of the vision and mission of all parties in the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education and the performance of Public Information Openness.
ITS Main Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) Dr. Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc stated that this MoU is a legal umbrella for implementing forms of cooperation between PTN and KIP in the future. “The cooperation process will be based on the results of discussions related to the agreed MoU,” explained the lecturer, who is familiarly called Yuhana.
ITS Main Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) Dr. Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc stated ITS willingness to contribute to cooperation on the agreed MoU in the future
Details of the programs and activities that will be carried out in implementing the MoU with ITS will be discussed further by considering the vision and mission between the two parties. Yuhana revealed that many things could be developed to increase the dissemination of information. “The information transparency process will be carried out by the principles of Openness of Public Information,” said the lecturer in Informatics Engineering.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of KIP Gede Narayana SE MSi said that with this MoU, it is hoped that support for the policy of public information disclosure to the public can be conveyed. “The synergy between KIP and state universities will run well and show concrete implementation,” he said.
Yuhana conveyed again, and ITS will always try to contribute more, primarily through this MoU. The continuation of the activity in the form of the MoU signing process between ITS and KIP is planned to be held in virtual next May. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Faadhillah Syhab Azzahra1504
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