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May 06, 2021 21:05

ITS Supports the Development of Online Learning in Indonesia

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Pembukaan acara penandatanganan perjanjian kerja sama antara UT dan 12 perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta di Indonesia termasuk ITS

The opening ceremony of the signing of a cooperation agreement. Between UT and 12 public and private universities in Indonesia, including ITS

ITS Campus, ITS NewsInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) supports the government’s efforts to optimize online learning in Indonesia to realize Merdeka Belajar for all. Therefore, together with 11 public universities (PTN) and other private (PTS) signed a partnership with the Open University (UT) hybrid, Thursday (6/5).

Attended by The Director-General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) Prof Ir Nizam MSc DIC Ph.D., this cooperation agreement between UT and partner universities generally aims to develop and utilize online learning together through the Indonesia Cyber Education (ICE) Institute platform. “ICE Institute is an online learning gallery in Indonesia,” explained Paulina Pannen, Head of ICE Institute.

Dirjen Dikti Prof Ir Nizam MSc DIC PhD turut hadir memberi dukungan terhadap kerja sama yang dijalin

Director-General of Higher Education Prof Ir Nizam MSc DIC Ph.D. also attended to support the cooperation established.

ICE Institute plays a role in the provision and utilization of curated online courses to be free to learn for all. Each partner college is required to contribute 10-courses to be offered for free for three years through the ICE Institute platform. “There are currently 120 online courses that integrated soon,” said Paulina, who attended virtually from the University Open Convention Center (UTCC).

Through this partnership, ICE can facilitate universities to provide online course services to various users and facilitate users to select the various online courses they are interested in easily and quickly. “Through this program, It expected that Indonesia realizes the freedom of learning for all and in the future will cooperate more with other universities,” she concluded the speech.

Kepala ICE Institute Prof Dr Paulina Pannen MLs saat menyampaikan pidatonya

Head of ICE Institute Prof. Dr. Paulina Pannen MLS while delivering her speech

In her speech, the Director-General of Higher Education expressed her support in the development of the ICE Institute. He hopes that with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology education can be accessed by all Indonesians and will create collaboration between students and lecturers across regions. “Without synergy and cooperation it will be very difficult to create superior human resources for the progress of the nation,” Nizam concluded the speech.

Furthermore, UT Rector Ojat Darojat in his speech said that ICE Institute is one of the strategic programs of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek) which is organized under the coordination of UT. “This program is a solution to equalize access to education for all Indonesians,” he said

Rektor Universitas Terbuka Prof Ojat Darojat MBus PhD saat memberikan sambutannya

Rector of Universitas Terbuka Prof Ojat Darojat MBus Ph.D. when giving his speech

According to Ojat, the presence of ICE can open learning opportunities for all levels of Indonesian society domiciled in urban to remote areas. “It does not close the possibility that this program in the future will cooperate with partners who are abroad,” he added optimistically.

Finally, the man who once served as chairman of the Institute for The Development of Teaching Materials, Exams, and Information Systems (LPBAUSI) hopes that the program can provide a better external for the people of Indonesia. “Hopefully all the tired sacrificed are recorded as good deeds and this effort can give color in the history of the educational journey in Indonesia,” he concluded. (pan/ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)

Reporter: Frecia Elrivia Mardianto

Proses penandatanganan perjanjian kerja sama antara UT dan 12 perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, termasuk ITS yang dihelat secara hybrid

The process of signing a cooperation agreement between UT and 12 universities in Indonesia, including ITS held in hybrid

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