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May 12, 2021 17:05

ITS Achieved the Second Most PKM Funding in Indonesia

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Peringkat perguruan tinggi dengan proposal PKM lolos terdanai terbanyak

The ranking of universities with PKM proposals passed the most funding

ITS Campus, ITS News – Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) managed to become the college with the second most funded proposals in the student creativity program (PKM) held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) in the category of PKM in five fields and PKM Constructive Futuristic Ideas (GFK). Its student proposals, which received 298-proposals, increased rapidly from last year’s 72-proposals.

Head of Talent Development Section of the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) ITS Hakun Wirawasista Aparamarta ST MMT Ph.D. said, from the 298 proposals ITS received funding from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs Directorate General of Higher Education (Directorate General of Higher Education) around Rp 2.5 billion. “The amount varies from five to ten million rupiahs per team,” he explained.

As for, The 298 proposals funded consist of 48 proposals PKM Entrepreneurship (PKM-K), 81 proposals PKM Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC), 5-proposals PKM Innovative Works (PKM-KI), 23-proposals PKM Application of Science and Technology (PKM-PI), 15-proposals PKM Community Service (PKM-PM), 83-proposals PKM Research Exorcist (PKM-RE), 17 Proposals PKM Humanities Social Research (PKM-RSH), and 26 proposals Constructive Futuristic Ideas (PKM GFK)

Peringkat Provinsi PKM terdanai terbanyak

PKM Provincial Ranking most funded

Judging by the comparison of the number of proposals. That passed funding with the number of ITS students, Hakun argues that its student productivity is the highest. Furthermore, it sees the number of ITS students the least among other PTN in the top 10. “I give a thumbs up to his fellow students because with a minimal amount of productivity is amazing,” he said proudly.

Chairman of ITS PKM Task Force (SatGas) Putu Gede Ariastita ST MT said the same thing. According to him, the large number of proposals funded reflects the quality of the proposals submitted by ITS. He added that the amount is by the target set by the Task Force team. “The number of areas funded has been proportional, in quality and proportion we are in line with expectations,” said the lecturer who became a jury PKM in ITS and also this Dikti.

Regarding the target of the proposal that is funded in the field of PKM Written Ideas (PKM-GT), the man who is closely called Aris confirmed, the target set from the task force team is as many as 6 to 10 proposals. This, according to him, makes sense because generally PKM-GT proposals that pass Pimnas only as many as 40-proposals out of 4,000 proposals submitted in Indonesia. “ITS trend is approximately five to six proposals to Pimnas, and become one of the most. This year hopefully even higher,” he hoped optimistically

Rincian jumlah proposal terdanai dari PKM 5 Bidang dan PKM-GFK ITS

Detailing the number of funding proposals from PKM 5 Field and PKM-GFK ITS

As an evaluation, the lecturer of the Department of Regional and City Planning (PWK) explained, there are two aspects that concern the task force team to further increase the number of funding proposals in the future. He explained, first is how the proposal was produced, then how to make the production of the proposal quality. “Therefore to produce proposals, students must be guided by lecturers, can not stand alone students,” he said.

Again quoting Hakun’s explanation, Ditmawa and Sargas team have done several strategic formulations related to optimizing PKM proposals. It was hope that the strategy can be effective to win medals at the 34th Pimnas this year. “The most important thing is the spirit of synergy from all parties in ITS, be it from students, lecturers, and its leadership,” he warned.

Closing the presentation, Hakun also reminded that any strategy used, without any sense of belonging to the process of science in this PKM, then the strategy will not work. He said Ditmawa with the Satgas team will continue to strive to realize a culture of science in ITS students. “Let’s realize together and god willing with this incredible synergy and spirit ITS can return to maqom become the 34th PIMNAS general champion,” he concluded optimistically. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)



Reporter: Ferdian Wibowo

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