ITS News

Monday, July 29, 2024
May 15, 2021 19:05

Active LKTI, Successfully Won Student Achievement ITS in the Applied Bachelor Category

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ITS Kampus, ITS News – In addition to Student Achievement (Mawapres) in the Undergraduate category, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has also appointed Mawapres for the Applied Bachelor category in 2021. He is Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid, a student from the Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering (DTIS) who won the ITS Mawapres 2021 title in the Applied Bachelor category and is entitled to represent ITS to the National level, next August.

With Rifqi’s election, this means that this is the third time students from DTIS hold the title of Mawapres ITS in the Applied Bachelor category. According to Rifqi, his involvement in various Scientific Writing Contests (LKTI) greatly helped him in earning the title of Mawapres ITS.

Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid, Mawapres ITS 2021 for the category of Applied Bachelor from the Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department

Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid, Mawapres ITS 2021 for the category of Applied Bachelor from the Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department

Through the ITS Student Creativity Program (PKM) Post in his department, this 2018 class student began to work on the world of KTI. “Here (Posko PKM, red) we are taught how to do brainstorming to find PKM ideas,” he said. On this occasion, he met an accomplished figure who ultimately had a big role in building his way to become ITS Mawapres.

Early in the PKM, Rifqi formed a team with fellow students who had become ITS Mawapres for Diploma level in 2019 and 2020 were Yosi Noviari Wibowo and Galih Syifa’ul Ummah. “From them, I was encouraged to register as Mawapres ITS,” said the student from Madiun.

This graduate of SMA Al Abidin Bilingual Boarding School (ABBS) Surakarta admits that initially there was pressure to register to become Mawapres ITS considering that his closest colleague was the previous ITS Mawapres. However, with the support and motivation given, Rifqi is increasingly convinced to register himself. “I am also honored to be able to continue the achievements of DTIS to become ITS Mawapres for the third time,” he said smiling.

Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid (left) and Galih Syifa'ul Ummah received the award as the first winner of the 2019 BUILDYEAR National KTI Competition

Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid (left) and Galih Syifa’ul Ummah received the award as the first winner of the 2019 BUILDYEAR National KTI Competition

Having a prestigious figure as a close friend certainly has a positive impact on him. After PKM, Rifqi and his colleagues often participated in scientific-based competitions in the field of civil engineering. One of them was at the International Science Technology Engineering and Competition (ISTEC) 2020, where he and Galih won gold medals.

Before that, Rifqi and his two colleagues had also won first place in the 2019 BUILDYEAR National Scientific Writing Competition at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS). “Namely by initiating environmentally friendly geopolymer concrete which comes from the basic material of waste from the Steam Power Plant (PLTU),” said the Head of the Achievement Division of the Research and Technology Department of the ITS Civil Diploma Student Association (HMDS).

With his experience in the world of scholarship, it is not surprising that Rifqi can win the title of Mawapres ITS. With the KTI entitled BIMCO (Building Information Community): Online BIM Training Platform Based on Asynchronous Peer Learning with Dual Payment System, Rifqi managed to beat six other participants.

In this KTI, he continued, he initiated a Business Building Information Modeling (BIM) training which was carried out with an asynchronous learning system. This learning system creates flexible learning schedules for both the mentor and the user. In addition, he also created a Dual Payment System that allows users to pay training payments in installments. “So far I rarely see companies that implement a payment system like this in the training held,” added the Secretary of the ITS Generator Scientific Trainer Material Division.

Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid (right) and Galih Syifa'ul Ummah when winning gold medals at the ISTEC 2020 event

Rifqi Nadhif Arrafid (right) and Galih Syifa’ul Ummah when winning gold medals at the ISTEC 2020 event

Rifqi disclosed the creation of this KTI departed from the increasing need for engineers who were reliable in BIM or 3D Modeling. Rifqi stated that the government itself has been obliged to use BIM software in modeling since 2018. The majority of large construction companies currently require prospective recruits to master BIM.

As Mawapres ITS, the student who also serves as Head of the Department of Media Jamaah Masjid Al-Azhar (JMAA), ITS Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department will continue the struggle to become National Mawapres for Applied Bachelor category representing ITS in the second half of 2021.

For him, many things need to be prepared to become a National Mawapres such as research, achievements, and also English language skills that need to be honed. “In addition to making ITS proud, I hope this can support my university journey and career in the future,” he said hopefully. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Muhammad Miftah Fakhrizal

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