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Tuesday, January 07, 2025
May 17, 2021 16:05

ITS Students Created MPSAI Business Based On Mangrove Fruit

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Desain logo produk MPASI bebas gluten RooveBites, gagasan tim mahasiswa ITS

Design logo of gluten-free MPASI RooveBites products, the idea of ITS student team

ITS Campus, ITS News – Innovation initiated by students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). This time, five students from the ITS Chemistry Department managed to raise a business idea of gluten-free breast milk (MPASI) based on mangrove fruit that is safe to be consumed by all infants.

MPASI is widely circulated in the market today contains protein in the form of gluten because it is based on wheat flour and not all babies can consume gluten. “Gluten can cause disruption of neural tissue and brain function for babies with autism and celiac disease,” said Miftahul Jannah, team leader.

Through this innovative idea, Miftahul and four colleagues, Sarazen Shalahuddin Akbar, Widya Anastasya Ningtiyas, Nova Ainur Rohma, and Ardi Lukman Hakim, have won silver medals in the Business Plan competition held by Edutainer Nusantara Fair (ENF) 2021. “One of the gluten-free foods that are highly nutritious is mangrove fruit,” said this 2019 class student.

Deeper, Miftahul explained, mangrove fruit used is a type of Lindur because of its high nutritional content and can be processed into flour. Mangrove fruit flour has met the criteria of healthy foodstuffs, which contain protein, fiber, and vitamins. “The utilization of mangrove fruit is also an effort to maximize the potential of abundant local resources but has not been widely utilized,” She added.

(dari kiri) Sarazen Shalahuddin Akbar, Widya Anastasya Ningtiyas, Miftahul Jannah, Ardi Lukman Hakim, Nova Ainur Rohma

(from left) Sarazen Shalahuddin Akbar, Widya Anastasya Ningtiyas, Miftahul Jannah, Ardi Lukman Hakim, Nova Ainur Rohma

In addition to mangrove fruit flour-based, according to Miftahul, MPASI products named RooveBites are also added amino acid and riboflavin content of Glycine max. “Amino acids and riboflavin are micronutrients needed in the growth period of infants,” explained this Sukoharjo-born girl.

RooveBites comes from two words, Roove which means mangrove, and Bites which means bite. RooveBites has two variants of products, namely RooveBites Porridge in the form of porridge for infants under 6-12 months old and RooveBites Toddler in the form of biscuits for infants over 12 months old.

Presented Miftahul, before being processed into porridge and biscuits, mangrove fruit was first processed into flour. In the early stages, the fruit will be boiled for 20 minutes then peeled and cut. The Next Stage of the fruit is boiled using husk ash and washed. “In boiling both fruits need to be boiled longer to eliminate the content of cyanide and tannins that are harmful to health,” said the student born in July 2001.

Proses pembuatan produk dari buah mangrove menjadi RooveBites yang siap dipasarkan

The process of making products from mangrove fruit into RooveBites that are ready to be marketed

Further, he explained, the results of the second boil that has been washed will be soaked for 48 hours and then dried and ground using a blender. After grinding, the fruit will be flour-shaped which will then be mixed with Glycine max. “This flour is then processed into instant porridge and biscuits that are processed as usual,” explained this SMAN 1 Sukoharjo alumnus.

In terms of packaging, RooveBites uses aluminum foil packaging. In addition to its affordable price, aluminum foil can minimize the influx of air and bacteria because this material is impenetrable to sunlight. “RooveBites Porridge is packaged in sachets and RooveBites Toddler in the form of a standing pouch,” continued the student who is currently active in its Chemistry Student Association (HIMA).

(dari atas) Tampilan kemasan RooveBites Porridge dan RooveBites Toddler yang digagas tim mahasiswa ITS

(from above) RooveBites Porridge and RooveBites Toddler packaging display initiated by ITS student team

In product marketing design, the team leverages online sales through e-commerce platforms and promotes products in targeted locations. “Offline marketing prioritizes the area around baby shops, children’s and infant hospitals, child and infant clinics, daycare centers and infants, and the autism community,” he explained.

In the future, the team guided by Herdayanto Sulistyo Putro SSi MSi hopes that this product can be further tested and can be released to the market. “Hopefully, this product can provide benefits to the community and can be marketed on a national to an international scale,” he said hopefully. (pan/ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)


Reporter: Frecia Elrivia Mardianto

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