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May 20, 2021 18:05

Respect for ITS Students who died with KRI Nanggala-402

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Penyerahan Ijazah Magister oleh Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kiri) kepada Danny Fortune, istri Almarhum Letkol Whilly yang didampingi ketiga anaknya

Submission of the Master’s Degree by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (left) to Danny Fortune, wife of the late Lieutenant Colonel Whilly, who his three children accompanied

ITS Campus, ITS News – The sinking of the KRI Nanggala-402 submarine became the most profound sorrow for all Indonesian people. No exception for the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), which lost one of its academics, namely Lieutenant Colonel Laut (E) (Anm) Fidhelis Whilly Harsono Putra ST, who is a Master of Technology Management (MMT) student at the Department of Technology Management, Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (FDKBD) ITS.

The late Lieutenant Colonel Whilly was an extraordinary person who spent his time pursuing a master’s education during his busy life as a member of the Indonesian Navy. Therefore, ITS pays the highest respect to the deceased, who is also known as a torpedo expert in the event of Awarding an Academic Degree Master of Technology Management to Marine Lt. Col. (E) (Anm) Fidhelis Whilly Harsono Putra ST at the ITS Rectorate, Thursday (20/5) noon.

Sambutan Prof Dr Ir Vincentius Totok Noerwasito MT selaku ayah mertua dari Almarhum Letnan Kolonel Laut (E) (Anm) Fidhelis Whilly Harsono Putra ST

Speech by Prof. Dr. Ir Vincentius Totok Noerwasito MT as the father-in-law of the late Lieutenant Colonel (E) (Anm) Fidhelis Whilly Harsono Putra ST

The heartwarming ceremony of handing over the diploma and master’s transcript was attended by the extended family of the late Lieutenant Colonel Whilly, which consisted of his wife, Danny Fortune, father and mother-in-law, and the deceased’s three beloved sons. In addition, it was also attended by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng along with his staff and leaders in the ITS FDKBD environment.

In his speech, the Dean of ITS FDKBD, Imam Baihaqi ST MSc Ph.D., said that the late Lt. Col. Whilly was a hard worker and accomplished. This is shown from the deceased’s achievements, who could get good grades and work on his thesis during his busy life as a soldier. “We are proud that the deceased can be part of the Master of Technology Management program as well as the ITS family who are national heroes,” he said.

Istri almarhum, Danny Fortune (kiri) menyerahkan suvenir kepada Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP selaku Kepala Departemen MMT ITS yang juga berjasa bagi almarhum

The wife of the deceased, Danny Fortune (left), handed over a souvenir to Prof. Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng Ph.D. CSCP as the Head of the ITS MMT Department who also contributed to the late.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Ir Vincentius Totok Noerwasito MT, father-in-law of the late Lieutenant Colonel Whilly, expressed his gratitude to ITS for holding this honoring event. One of the ITS Architecture professors said that the deceased had prepared many things for his studies at ITS.

He has also prepared souvenirs for people who have contributed to his life, which were finally handed over at this event. “I am grateful because Mas Willy has gained a lot of knowledge and experience from ITS, although he cannot apply it because God Almighty said otherwise,” said the lecturer, who is usually called Prof. Totok, full of emotion.

Istri almarhum, Danny Fortune (kiri) menyerahkan suvenir kepada Prof Drs Ec Ir Riyanarto Sarno MSc PhD selaku dosen pembimbing yang berjasa bagi Letkol Whilly

The wife of the deceased, Danny Fortune (left), handed over a souvenir to Prof Drs Ec Ir Riyanarto Sarno MSc Ph.D. as a supervisor who contributed to Lt. Col. Whilly

On this occasion, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng also delivered his remarks. The Chancellor, who is often called Ashari, expressed his appreciation and respect and his deepest condolences to the extended family of the late Lieutenant Colonel Whilly. “In his life, he is someone who works hard, let’s all remind each other and make his struggle an example for all of us,” finally. (far/ITS Public Relation)

Foto bersama para pimpinan ITS beserta keluarga besar Almarhum Letnan Kolonel Laut(E) (Anm) Fidhelis Whilly Harsono Putra ST usai acara penghormatan

Photo with ITS leaders and the extended family of the late Lieutenant Colonel Laut (E) (Anm) Fidhelis Whilly Harsono Putra ST after the honor ceremony

Reporter: Megivareza Putri Hanansyah/Frecia Elrivia Mardianto

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