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May 27, 2021 22:05

ITS Ready to Collaborate with Balitbang Kemenhub Designs ART Surabaya

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Penyerahan tanda mata dari Kepala Balitbanghub Umar Aris (kanan) kepada Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng atas kerja sama yang terjalin

Handing over of tokens from the Head of Balitbanghub Dr. Umar Aris SH MM MH (right) to ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng for the collaboration

ITS Campus, ITS News – Through the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), the government is planning the implementation of the Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit (ART) mode of transportation. Taking place at the Rectorate Building of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), Thursday (27/5), a meeting was held between ITS and the Transportation Research and Development Agency (Balitbanghub) of the Ministry of Transportation to discuss research studies related to the implementation of ART or what in this study is called the Autonomous Tram in the City. Surabaya and its surroundings.

The head of the Surabaya City ART Research Team, Ir Hera Widyastuti MT Ph.D., explained that ART is a new type of urban rail transportation that uses rubber tires and markings along the road, different from the train tracks in general. “This tram will run on an autonomous track equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) and sensors,” said the lecturer of the ITS Civil Engineering Department.

Rencana rute Trem Otonom hasil rancangan Tim Penelitian ART Kota Surabaya

Autonomous Tram route plan designed by the Surabaya City ART Research Team

According to Hera, the team formed to carry out Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 80 of 2019 under Balitbanghub has planned three alternative routes as ART travel routes. The route follows the instructions from the Presidential Regulation, namely passing through Kamal Port, Bangkalan Station, and Pasar Turi Surabaya Station. “One of them, starting from Pasar Turi then passing the Suramadu Bridge and back again to Pasar Turi,” she explained.

However, continued Hera, the route has not yet reached the fixation stage, and it is still possible to combine it with other ways that can connect to Sidoarjo. The Transportation and Pavement Materials Laboratory of the ITS Civil Engineering Department revealed that there are still possible routes to develop through other ways considering the geometric and community demands.

The Head of Balitbanghub, Dr. Umar Aris SH MM MH, explained that a comprehensive study had been conducted within the regulatory framework of this Autonomous Tram. In this case, the technical, affordability, and economic aspects have been discussed. “Furthermore, further studies will discuss implementation aspects, including the travel route according to the direction of the local government,” he said during a visit to ITS in the context of developing a comprehensive transportation study collaboration, especially in the city of Surabaya.

Penyerahan tanda mata dari Kepala Balitbanghub Umar Aris (kanan) kepada Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng atas kerja sama yang terjalin

ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (left) with the Deputy Governor of East Java Dr. Emil Elestianto Dardak (center) and Head of Balitbang Kemenhub Dr. Umar Aris SH MM MH during a discussion

Also attending was the Deputy Governor of East Java, Dr. Emil Elestianto Dardak. He explained that the travel route could start from the Menganti area, which is included in the Gresik Regency area because it is already connected to West Surabaya. “The local government hopes that the recommendations from this study can determine where it will be applied based on the Presidential Regulation which is also related to the Surabaya, Sidoarjo, and Gresik agglomerations,” explained Emil.

Meanwhile, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng said that a study would be carried out in the future, including how to manage it and its revenue. According to Ashari, this design will be adapted to the existing plans and the North-South and West-East design routes. “The initial design from ITS, then it is possible to coordinate with related experts in the field,” concluded Ashari. (ITS Public Relation)

Segenap stakeholder dari ITS, Balitbanghub, dan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur berfoto bersama di Gedung Rektorat ITS

All stakeholders from ITS, Balitbanghub and the East Java Provincial Government took a photo together at the ITS Rectorate Building.

Reporter: Astri Nawwar Kusumaningtyas

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