ITS Campus, ITS News – The development of the digital era has led to the need for optimal management of public information, where the urgency has increased given the many issues of fake news circulating in the digital world. In response to this, the Central Information Commission (KIP) collaborated by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with eight state universities (PTN) in Indonesia, including the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), at the Opening of the Information Commission’s Technical Working Meeting (Rakernis). 2021 which will be held online and offline, Friday (28/5).
Besides ITS, seven other state universities that have signed the MoU with KIP are University of Brawijaya, State University of Malang, Udayana University, State University of Lampung, Padjadjaran University, University of Indonesia, and Bogor Agricultural University. Chairman of KIP Gede Narayana explained that this MoU collaborates and collaborates between the Information Commission and public bodies to implement openness and management of information in public bodies.
Gede stated that through the Central Information Commission Circular Number 2 of 2020 concerning Public Information Services in the Public Health Emergency Due to Covid-19, all public agencies maximize online-based information services. In this case, Information Commissions throughout Indonesia are required to continue to provide and improve their information services.
Quoting Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Gede said that information disclosure is a critical factor in dealing with this pandemic. Open, transparent, accountable, and responsible information can create a conducive and measurable situation. Based on this statement, the Information Commission needs a lot of strengthening and synergy in carrying out its duties and functions. “Besides that, it also needs to be strengthened to optimize information needs in Indonesia,” he said.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chancellor IV for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and ITS Alumni, Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D. who represented ITS, said that ITS has collaborated and worked with various agencies related to information and data. For example, the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) will focus more on policies, including implementation supervisors, which this time with KIP. “ITS certainly has the opportunity to be involved a lot in defining business processes, strengthening regulations, and implementing information and communication technology,” he said.
The scope of the signing of the MoU this time consists of various fields, namely the field of education, the area of research and assessment, the field of community service, support for the implementation of public information disclosure to the public by the parties, support for the improvement of organizational human resources and management by the parties. In addition, other areas are agreed upon by the parties as long as they do not conflict with the provisions in force in each party and the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.
Anggra Ayu Rucitra ST MMT as the person in charge of this collaboration, also explained that ITS itself received the title of Informative Public Agency in 2020 for the Higher Education category. “This shows that ITS is recognized as a public body that is transparent, accountable, and accepts community participation,” he said.
On the same occasion, the Secretary-General (Secretary-General) of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) RI Mira Tayyiba added that during the commemoration of National Awakening Day on May 20, the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information had launched the National Digital Literacy Program to create a digitally capable society.
Cakap is related to competence and expertise and related to ethics, security, and culture. “This needs support from all parties because we need deeper efforts to maintain a clean and ethical digital space so that it can be used productively,” he said.
The signing of this MoU was also followed by the 10th National Working Meeting of Information Commissions throughout Indonesia. Gede said that this Working Meeting was intended to equalize the views between KIP and Information Commissions throughout Indonesia to carry out their duties and authorities to make a real contribution to Indonesia’s development.
“This 10th Rakernis is also carried out in the context of discussing strategic issues related to concrete information disclosure at the 12th Rakornas forum, which will be planned in the next one to two months,” said the man who once served as Commissioner of the DKI Jakarta Information Commission.
By participating in the signing of this MoU, ITS shows its seriousness and support for implementing public information disclosure. All ITS general information is open, transparent, and accountable, which can be accessed through the website: In addition, ITS also continues to innovate so that public information disclosure can be accessed anytime and anywhere and increase public participation. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Muhammad Miftah Fakhrizal
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