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May 30, 2021 20:05

ITS Collaborates Three Villages as Research and Community Service Development Areas

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng turut hadir dalam acara peresmian Teaching Industry secara virtual

ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng also attended the inauguration ceremony of the Teaching Industry virtually for Research and Community Service Development Areas

ITS Campus, ITS News – As an institution that upholds Tridharma college, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) developed three target areas into a research development area and community service (Abmas) called Teaching Industry. The idea put forward by its Center for Public Policy Studies ( PKKP ) in the field of Business and Industry was inaugurated in a virtual LIVE LAB (Towards Teaching Industry) webinar, Last Saturday (29/5).

The research and Community Service development area called Teaching Industry is the result of a collaboration between three villages, namely Ngingas Village in Sidoarjo, Education Conservation Model Area (AMKE) in Batu, and Kebontunggul Village in Mojokerto. There are three scientific fields developed, namely manufacturing for Ngingas Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes), herbal fields for the AMKE Batu area, and smart farming and circular economic fields for the Kebontunggul Mojokerto area.

East Java Deputy Governor (Wagub) Dr. H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc specifically attended the inauguration of the Teaching Industry in the webinar held by ITS. Alumnus Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University expressed great appreciation related to its idea of growing the target area. “I believe ITS is a very innovative and quality college and this is a collaboration that is not only good but also noble,” said Emil.

Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur Dr H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc memberikan dukungan langsung bagi Teaching Industry ITS

Deputy Governor of East Java Dr. H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc provides direct support for the teaching industry ITS

Emil also believes that the future lies in villages that can apply the right technology in seeking the potential of their villages. Thus, the man born on May 20, 1984, believed that the launch of the Teaching Industry in these three assisted villages could improve the educational process organized by ITS. “Not only that, but its idea can also build the competitive advantage of East Java and Indonesia in terms of the application and application of technology,” he said.

Also present, ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng gave full support to the merger of the three target areas which then strengthened its function into a live laboratory. This is its effort to improve the quality of research facilities and supporting facilities as well as the dedication of both departments and from research centers and research centers in ITS. “We call it a living laboratory,” said the rector who used to be called Ashari.

The man who was born in Sidoarjo also explained that Teaching Industry can make it easier for its students and lecturers to share knowledge, share recommendations, and dive directly into the community. “PKKP ITS field of Industry and Business provides three areas for its live lab which are all activities and carried out by the community. Thus, its friends and students can practice there,” said the professor of Electrical Engineering.

Kondisi Teaching Industry yang digagas oleh PKKP ITS yang berada di tiga desa di Jawa Timur

Teaching Industry conditions initiated by PKKP ITS located in three villages in East Java

Further, as informed by the Head of PKKP in the field of Business and Industry ITS Dr. Arman Hakim Nasution, the teaching industry program itself started from the Community Service of ITS PKKP products in AMKE Batu. With the theme of herbal education tourism, since 2020 then PKKP ITS improve the quality of Community Service products with the full support of Perhutani. Furthermore, in 2021, the Community Service product was finally expanded to Kebontunggul Village and Ngingas Village so that it becomes a development area.

Related to the plans, Arman said that the live laboratory will function as a spin-off company resulting from cooperation between ITS and the target area. Thus, ITS as a State University incorporated law (PTN BH) can boost revenues while making the target area a medium for all parts of the academic community in understanding Sociopreneur education.

Skenario ke depan Teaching Industry ITS yang dijelaskan oleh Kepala PKKP bidang Bisnis dan Industri ITS Dr Arman Hakim Nasution

The future scenario of ITS Teaching Industry described by the Head of PKKP in its Business and Industry Dr. Arman Hakim Nasution.

The existence of a research development area with three scientific variations is encouraged to bring benefits to the relevant departments and research centers in ITS. In the future, ITS seeks Teaching Industry to be the potential to grow from a research university to an innovative university so that all its potentials that are relevant to these three themes can be utilized to create and innovate. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)

Reporter: Yanwa Evia Java

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