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June 04, 2021 09:06

ITS Student Team Won the Civil National Expo 2021

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Pengumuman juara pertama estimasi biaya proyek Civil National Expo(CNE) 2021

The announcement of the first winner of the estimated cost of the Civil National Expo (CNE) 2021 project.

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again achieved a brilliant achievement. This time, the achievement came from three students of the Department of Civil Engineering. They are won first place in the project cost estimation competition at the Civil National Expo (CNE) 2021 held by Tarumanegara University, Last Friday (28/5)online.

The team named Pondasi Dalam was led by Ahmad Al Ghany Prakoso with two members Rycko Agusvian Iswanto and Adya Muhammad Feruzzi. In this national competition, participants were given a project to rehabilitate the school completely.

Previously, according to Rycko Agusvian Iswanto. His team had been preparing for this race for a whole month before the division of questions. Start by finding and reading references on the method of drafting a Budget Plan (RAB). “In addition, we also conduct RAB surveys directly in the field and discussions with supervisors,” he explained.

Pondasi Dalam team guided by ITS Civil Engineering Construction Management lecturer Ir Retno Indriyani M.T. claimed to have gained a lot of new experience in this activity. Because this race is the first competition they participated in. “while diving drinking water, in addition to being the winner, we also got additional knowledge about construction management,” said the young man born in Madiun, August 31, 2000

Sesi presentasi Tim Pondasi Dalam ITS pada babak final CNE 2021

The Pondasi Dalam Team’s presentation session in ITS in the final round of CNE 2021

Based on Rycko’s description, in the preliminary round they were asked to draw up a proposal containing methods, costs, and scheduling of work. While in the final stage, they must present the proposals that have been prepared before the jury. “We were also presented with some questions about the work plan, the Project Reference Framework (KAK), the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), and the Project Bill of Quantity (BoQ),” Rycko said.

For the jury’s judging criteria, Rycko added, among them are the method of work, unit price analysis, RAB, and curve S. The design of the idea of the Pondasi Dalam Team In apparently reaped many positive comments from the jury. “Even they (the jury, red) praised the way our presentation was delivered, the completeness of the details, and the innovation of creative ideas,” said the student who loves the sport of futsal.

When it comes to specific methods, Rycko reveals the fact that he and the team actively check each of the criteria given in detail. Moreover, at the time of drafting the proposal, they do a lot of innovation so that the proposals that are drawn up can explain the work in detail but still realistic.

(dari kiri) Adya Muhammad Feruzzi, Ahmad Al Ghany Prakoso, dan Rycko Agusvian Iswanto, anggota Tim Pondasi Dalam ITS

(from left) Adya Muhammad Feruzzi, Ahmad Al Ghany Prakoso, and Rycko Agusvian Iswanto, members of the Pondasi Dalam Team in ITS

Despite performing with careful preparation, the Pondasi Dalam Team in the unturned still reaps obstacles. Because each member comes from a different domicile that causes communication between members to be hampered. “In addition, the preparation of our proposals in this semester which we have a lot of big tasks,” he said.

In the future, they hope to try other competitions related to construction management or tendering. “We also hope to gain more experience and achievements and re-scent its name,” he concluded optimistically. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)

Reporter: Erchi Ad’ha Loyensya

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