ITS Campus, ITS News – The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia makes a team of students from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to create an Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart camera. This camera is able to help the implementation of physical distancing as well as health protocols (prosedur kesehatan or prokes) such as the implementation of masks use.
The idea called Include (Intelligent Camera System for Physical Distancing) of INO-G ITS team can detect the distance between people and people mandatory mask usage. The team, which is formed by Singgih Ardiansyah (Department of Computer Engineering), Raul Ilma Rajasa (Department of Informatics Engineering), Arum Puspa Arianto (Electrical Automation Engineering), and Ilham Wahyu Eko Prasetyo (Electrical Engineering), succeeds to make a camera model that is connected to a speaker.
As the team leader, Singgih Ardiansyah, explained that the Include camera is integrated with loudspeakers in a box called the Include box. This Include box is connected to a server to process data to indicate a violation. “We utilize a library of python to analyze violations on health protocols,” he said.
The way it works is easy, continued Singgih; if the Include camera detects a human, the server will process it. Next, the server returns data of whether there is a health procedures violation that occurs. When the camera detects two or more people close together less than one meter away, the loudspeaker will work. The same applies to the violation of mask use. “The loudspeaker from the box will remind violators to obey the health procedures,” he said.
Also, the INO-G team created an additional application connected to the Include box called the Include app to help the performance of the Include box. On-field officers can only reach this Include app. Later, suppose a health procedures violation lasts for more than one minute. In that case, the system will notify the officer via a notification in the Include app to investigate the violation. “Officers will immediately alert health procedures violators,” he said.
The coordination between the Include box and the officer who monitors the application assures this young man born in Purbalingga of its effectiveness. He believes that 99 percent of people will obey the prokes after being warned, either through loudspeakers from the Include box or directly by officers. “This also makes the work of officers or supervisors easier and more efficient and effective,” he said.
To test its effectiveness, Singgih and his team have conducted a field test at one of the minimarkets in Purbalingga. It turns out it worked. “We believe that if the implementation is correct, especially in queue areas at minimarkets that are prone to violations, it will be beneficial,” he said.
Since the usefulness and effectiveness of this idea, Singgih and his team of students from the class of 2020 entered their vision in a competition. As a very proud accomplishment, the INO-G team won third place in the Sebelas Maret (Semar) International IoT Challenge 2021 event.
Lastly, Singgih hopes that his team’s idea, Include, can be implemented in Indonesia as a whole. At least through the queues on Indonesian minimarkets. “That way, Include can be a solution for every violation of health procedures, especially physical distancing and mask use,” he said confidently. (nadh/ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Irwan Fitranto
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