ITS Campus – ITS News To realize the campus of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) which is free from corruption, Director General of Higher Education (Director General of Higher Education) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbud Ristek) Prof Ir Nizam MSc DIC Ph.D. IPU ASEAN Eng endorsed the Establishment of Integrity Zone within its Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD). In the event, the leadership in the FSAD environment also committed and signed the Integrity Pact at ITS Rectorate Building, Friday (18/6).
In addition to the Director-General of Higher Education, the establishment of integrity zone (ZI) and the signing of the Integrity Pact implemented in a hybrid was also attended offline by ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari M Eng, Dean of FSAD ITS Prof Hamzah Fansuri SSi MSi Ph.D., Vice Dean and Chairman of the Bureaucratic Reform Team and Integrity Zone (RBZI) FSAD ITS Prof Dr. Dra Mardlijah MT, and other ITS leadership. Also present online, the Heads of Departments within FSAD, representatives of the Inspectorate General (Itjen) Dikti, and representatives of the Ombudsman RI.
Opening the event, Mardlijah said that the development of ZI in ITS as a form of support in the Directorate General of Higher Education program to realize PTN and Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDIKTI) that are free from corruption, clean bureaucracy, and serve. “ITS always make improvements and improvements to realize the zone of integrity, one of which Sasrabahu made to facilitate in taking courses in fellow campus PTN-BH for students,” he explained.
Furthermore, this mathematics professor revealed that the requirement to have the predicate Of Free Territory from Corruption (WBK) is the fulfillment of the State Operator’s Wealth Report (LHKPN) and the State Civil Apparatus Wealth Report (LHKASN). “The fulfillment of LHKPN and LHKASN in ITS itself has reached 100 percent and hopefully all efforts made by ITS in general, especially FSAD, can produce WBK predicate,” he said optimistically.
On the same occasion, its Rector said that his party is very highly committed to making ITS as WBK and Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM). “As a form of realization of integrity zone, ITS has integrated the information system in ITS with the establishment of the MyITS platform,” said the rector who is familiarly called Ashari.
Meanwhile, in his speech Nizam said, in terms of realizing an institution that is clean and free from corruption, there are four stages of implementation, namely Bureaucratic Reform, Integrity Zone, WBK, and WBBM. “I appreciate ITS that has done massive bureaucratic reform and substance to turn 10 faculties into seven faculties, this is a concrete form in bureaucratic reform,” he added.
After inaugurating the establishment of an integrity zone in its FSAD environment, Nizam expressed his hope. “Hopefully this can be an example for other universities'” he hoped. The series of events was then continued with the signing of the Integrity Pact through QR code by the Dean and Vice Dean of FSAD and the Heads of Departments in the FSAD environment.
Before conducting the above series of activities, Nizam also reviewed several facilities on its campus. Nizam even had the opportunity to try his autonomous car, and try the GESITS electric motorcycle while visiting its National Electric Car (Molina) research building. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)
Reporter: Tyara Novia Andhin
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